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fire arms application

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Hi just a quick question regarding my fire arms application.


I have permission on land that is a mates farm, it is allready passed up to .243. so no inspection should be neccasary.


In part B- 19 it says where do you intend to use it. do i just write permission land, or have to inclose a copy of the written permission?




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You should get a seperate form in your application pack for land. If you don't have it, get on the phone, and get them to send you one.


hi mate i downloaded the forms of the met police website, got the application and to referance forms but now where on there did it mention about land use? :hmm:


i went down to the local police station asking for the forms, the female officer hadent even heard of them :icon_eek: and the officer in charge directed me to the internet! think im gonna have to find out and ring the local fir arms officer :gunsmilie:


cheers mate

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Hi just a quick question regarding my fire arms application.


I have permission on land that is a mates farm, it is allready passed up to .243. so no inspection should be neccasary.


In part B- 19 it says where do you intend to use it. do i just write permission land, or have to inclose a copy of the written permission?





i just put on the form where i had the permission. when i changed police forces they also wanted the written permission.

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Guest baldie

The form james in on about sounds peculiar to his licensing authority, most [including mine, ] dont have such a thing. On the fac, put in the box " see attatched permission letter" then get full written permission from the farmer on whose land you have been given permission, and it MUST include, the calibre of rifle to be used, and day and night permission, and quarry allowed to be shot there.Include the full postal address of the farm, and the contact phone number. You say the land is already passed for a .243 [fullbore] so you shouldn,t have a problem, but they WILL check it again, its their job. At the same time you are applying, put down for a sound moderator [good reason being , "health and safety"] and expanding ammunition, for shooting vermin. They will readily grant a mod and expanding on land use, no problem, and its all in with the fee, otherwise, if you want it later, it will cost another £26 for a variation.

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I applied for an FAC last year and included maps of the areas I had permission over. I just photocopied and slightly enlarged the appropriate sections of an ordnance survey map, then highlighted the boundaries of the farm(s) with marker pen. Try to make it easy as possible for Mr. Plod.


My application was successful first time round for a .243 + moderator, but it did take ages to come through, evidently it got passed from desk to desk until it landed with a P.C who thought he could deal with it. Great guy who sorted me out quite quickly once he got the application. I just wish they were better organised and it would have been sent to him straight off.

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You can't go wrong with a CZ mate. Value for money, accurate, comfortable. If you're planning on doing more walking than shooting, go for the American as it is light weight. If you plan on taking a lot of shots in rapid succession from one place, go for the Varmint (Heavy barrel) as this will cope better with the heat of more rounds. I would go for 16" barrel as accuracy is not compromised by having a shorter barrel with this calibre. Take your pick of mods, Parker Hale is very good, ASE is a bit better, but twice the price.

I have used both CZ and Anschutz in .17HMR, and there isn't much to chose between them except for a big lump of money!

Ammo, go for Federal V-Shok or if you want maximum damage to your quarry try Remmington or Hornady as these both have V-Max tips.

Hope this helps,


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just got my licence back any one recomend some decent .17?

The cz american is good value for money,but if you can afford it go for the Anschutz better rifle with a parker hale mod,good german quality hard to beat(i think)


HW 60J are also good quality German engineering. I have a mate who has one in .17HMR, but like the Anschutz they are expensive. It all depends how much money you want to spend. As I said, I would go for the cheaper option as it is no less accurate in the right hands. The triggers tend to be better on the german guns, but a CZ trigger kit is only just over a tenner. :D

Best of luck with your decision mate. Let us know what you get.

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