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hsf stealth clothing

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At the end of the day, it's personal preference. left the Forces about 2 years ago now, and took up hunting for a hobby. I used my old DPM and Multicam when I first started, and they both worked fine in the field. I bought myself a Woodland suit, just to see if it would make any difference, and it didn't 'not saying that it didn't work'. Like a lot of the lads have said on their comments, it's down to your field craft, and how well you can stalk an animal. Put it this way. The first Rifle I bought, was off a chap in Norwich. I met him on a farm that he had a permission on. I met him wearing a pair of white trainers 'didn't stay white for long' jeans, and a bright red tshirt. I saw a couple of Rabbits in the corner of a field and asked if he would mind if I could try in out on them. I got within less than 10 meters, and took 1 out. Hope that helped in some way.

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A lightweight breathable shirt, and carry a daysack with warm kit in and a waterproof DPM Jacket for when the heavens open. But if I'm honest, a standard issue smock is lightweight enough to wear in the summer. Just wear a tshirt under and the heat shouldn't be too much of a problem. Hope that helps

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I wear DPM army surplus, couldn't give a f**k if its cool or not, invented to blend into our countryside, I've had deer walk over me, and I get closer to out native wildlife through wearing it when I'm sat about, so it gets the thumbs up from me :thumbs:

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I don't do too much shooting any more but when I was younger I was out 24/7 messing with the guns. Camo does not get you any more shooting opportunities then drab clothing. I use florescant nets when I'm ferreting it doesn't seem to stop rabbits bolting into them and my old dog is white and brindle yet it's never stopped him catching lots of game. Even fishing I see a lot of lads in full camo when I've stalked some real old sly carp wearing bright colours. As long as your still and use wind ect to your advantage there should be no trouble. Though when I'm roost shooting in the snow I have found that it is very hard to get a good bag as most birds see you a mile off. That's the only time camo will get you any more opportunities I think. Atb

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I've got both the jacket and trousers of this.


My observations are... it's not silent! But it's okay, fleece stuff would definitely be quiet.

It's warm! Better suited to cooler conditions really.

It's definitely waterproof! I went arse over tit in a big massive muddy puddle and in my efforts to keep the gun up and out of the water I got prettey wet and muddy on knees and elbows! Little more than a hint of dampness got though, and it was a pretty stern test!

There are plenty of pockets!

The arms are a little short I think? But my arms are long!


Fort the money they're great! It's cheap enough that if I got two seasons out of it before it got too tatty to bother with, I reckon that's a good price.

It's on the cheaper end of camo and good value I reckon. Some camo is way overpriced in my opinion?

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