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Gaining permission should always be done in person, your going out there to sell yourself. Here in the US permission is a big thing and most trappers are working on that everyday all year long. I have a book that I get the landowner to sign. I tell them that I will through during the night, what truck I am using. If it's fair weather I drive xxxx truck if the snow flies I will have a bigger truck. Respect the farmers land, try to give him a hand during the summer. At the end of the season make sure you go back and say thanks. Tell them what you caught and if you have seen anything unusual. Fence broke, animal out.............. While your telling them thanks seal the deal for next year. This way hear if anyone asks for permission you might just have the place to yourself next season.


Once you have permission on one farm start to network from farmer to farmer. Keep yourself out of getting your name mentioned unless it's positive. You'd be surprised how many places you'll have to trap in a few years to start putting up some numbers.

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ok thanks mate :) i know where the farmers houses are so will give them a go, i will offer to help out when they need it but already work sundays so i would have to help after school

what do i say ? just introduce or get straight to the point ?

thanks leon

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Guest foxtrack
i help a sheep farmer at sheering for constant rabbiting any method just as long as there gone but good idear to get it in writting otherwise antis come up to you and say "you got permission" "yes" "can i see it then" this is annoing because occasionly they will go and ask or phone the police :realmad: so i get it in writting then when it happens just flash it out saves alot of trouble

if an anti came up to me and said have you got permission i would say something like ;

f**k off you c**t or i'll stamp your head into the ground or maybe

on your way now young man or i'll inform the police that you are tresppasing on land you have no right to be on


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if an anti came up to me and said have you got permission i would say something like ;

f**k off you c**t or i'll stamp your head into the ground or maybe


The best thing you can do is keep your book with you and keep moving. If they want to call the warden let them you have the permision. You don't know who or if they have contact to the local paper. congressman. One slip and you can ruin a good thing.




The best thing for gaining permission is I am joe blow from ...... I was wondering of I could trap your lovely property. Look them in the eye when you do this. If they say no ask if they know anyone that they might know that is looking for a trapper. If it's NO mark that on in you book and go to the next farm. He might have a trapper there already that's OK since you gain permission on the farm next to him and cut them off on there travel way.

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Guest foxtrack
Rabbit hunter has sorted me out some snares and a DVD :D


if you go to most farms and ask permmision to hunt or trap i wouldent think mny would turn you down

mind you itdepends on what part of the coutry you live.

big estates and i'll say you got no chance

hill farms and id say you may get lucky.

the best bit of advice i could give you mate is to go to the farms on your own

and dont take a load of your mate's'

tello the farmer what you would like to do and see how you get on.

dest time to speek to farmes is about 2.00 pm they have chilled out a bit by then

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