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Pure Greyhounds in the field.

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I have been considering a greyhound deerhound cross but i fancy a pure dog that i can then if its any good start breeding my own lurchers or longdogs from in years to come. I do prefer deerhounds but there far too big for any work i have.

What is the point? You will spend years wasting time, money & if done right culling failures. Theres lads 20 to 30yrs ahead of you so why not just contact someone who keeps what would be your ideal & go from there? Its the same as these idiots breeding 'exotic' lurcher crosses when theres already plenty dogs/breeding out there to choose from doing the job
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in the early 90s me ,my brother & all our pals were lurcher mad ,we ran a 24" collie/grey x beddy /whippet ,our palls all ran bigger dogs when we were out lamping our little dog hammerd theres rab

Why are you talkin bout whippets unless you mean them real racing whippets which if thats what you mean why in the f**k would you think that would make them less accident prone. Them little sumbitche

Is there a reason that you believe you have to have a "pure dog" in order to start breeding your own lurchers or longdogs yourself?

I'm with CorkyJohn here, unless you have a specific dog in mind you feel the need to put over a good greyhound then.. why?


BeLucky either you got completely different greyhounds where you're from or there's a bit of fib telling going on...


I've done dusk till dawn lamping and it takes a bloody huge toll on the dogs, unless maybe you have real easy running ground on just rabbits? Even a smart lurcher knocks up after a night of running fox or roe or hare....


Maybe I'm naive to greyhounds but the only one i ever saw "work" broke 3 toes in the first hour of daylight mooching on the moors. Couldn't calibrate.

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