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long netting and the law


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If you were walking up a lane with ya 150 yards of net tucked in the back of your jacket and wands in your Brest pocket and the police stopped you for a friendly chat ...could they nik you for anything??

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Seems a bit of a strange question really


No they can`t,, why would they,?


But , they are cops,, they can make up whatever they like, i.e. wands could be construed as offensive weapons if they decide to make life awkward for you.


Why would you not just say, you are on your way to net rabbits ? It`s none of their beeswax if you are.

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I think some people get a bit paranoid about the law sometimes. It's not illegal to have a net!


If you have a net and they stop you (which they wouldn't), tell them you've just bought it and are going home.....or just tell them you're going for a walk and it's not illegal to carry a net, simple as that.

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I would be careful it could be classed going equipped..


If you dont have a reasonable excuse and there is some suspision that a crime has be commited or about to be commited..


Is it worth the hassle ?? Do what you have to do and keep your head down.


I know a couple of lads that went for a walk with a net and lost it and got a fine for there trouble..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Night Poaching Act 1828 Section 1 ( b )

It is an offence to:

Enter or be on any land, whether open or enclosed, with any gun, net, engine or other instrument, for the purpose of taking game.



Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

Under section 25 of PACE, a police officer may arrest anyone he has reasonable cause to suspect of having committed an offence of night poaching, subject to the provisions of the general power of arrest under this act

Edited by Matt the Rat
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