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First PCP advice

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Hello there I am looking to invest in a solid PCP for rabbit and pigeon. I have owned a fairly cheap .177 springer for many years and have become pretty accurate with it however its lack of quality and increasing maintainance is becoming an issue and a clean instant kill is the most important factor for me. I have approx 550 budgeted for the rifle and extra aside for scope / filling ect and the BSA scorpion SE has really caught my eye. I have spent some time reading reviews of many guns in this price range but always feel articles and reviewers may have some biased interest in the product. Thus I hope you guys can give me some sound advice. Is the Scorpion SE the gun to go for or perhaps there is something better out there for the money. I confess to being a complete newbie to hunting and have never taken a rabbit before so advice on caliber would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Fill pressure really! The old one was a 200 bar fill, the new one is a 232 bar fill!

They can have very erratic grouping. The other half had one, it grouped like a shotgun with any pellet, Crosman, AA, Prometheus, RWS, various head sizes in AA, 4.5, 4.51, 4.52, all no joy. It had to go back to BSA under warranty! That fixed it!

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Damn that's pretty poor after forking out that much coin. Have heard the BSA aftersales is top notch right enough. I worded my previous response rather poorly I was looking for a comparison between the ultra SE and the scorpion as the lower price of the ultra is attractive and they appear to have similar features ... Bolt action pressure gauge etc.

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dont do it you will spend a bloody fortune getting a nice gun but in a few months you will want a top notch springer as pcps feel dead after a while . i bought a hw100kt plus all the cack to go with it ,it just sits in the gun case nowadays , first gun i go for is my hw80k ,for 500 you could get a hw97 AAtx or a pro sport and get it tuned by sfs and still have cash left over for a nice piece of glass for the top of it .


this is just my 2ps worth as i realy regret buying my pcp

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to be honest i have a 410 in the cabinet that has not left the house since i got the prosport! if i had a rat permission or some where teaming with rabbits that was in need of clearance the 10 shot mag and total silence would be most useful! but i just like to go out and put a few rabbits in the bag 5 at the most but usually 2 or 3 and the pro is just a joy to use.

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Thats a really good budget. For that id be looking at an Air Arms s410, Second hand. You can pick them up for around £400 including scope, silencer & bits. They hold their value, so in a year or 2 years time if you want something else you`ll get nearly every penny back. The rest of your money can go on either a pump (£120) or a divers bottle & whip (£180).


Thats my personal preference, but id get down a local shop and try a few out if you can. I started off looking at a BSA then tried a HW100 then settled on the s410, but all of them are very accurate good guns.

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dont do it you will spend a bloody fortune getting a nice gun but in a few months you will want a top notch springer as pcps feel dead after a while . i bought a hw100kt plus all the cack to go with it ,it just sits in the gun case nowadays , first gun i go for is my hw80k ,for 500 you could get a hw97 AAtx or a pro sport and get it tuned by sfs and still have cash left over for a nice piece of glass for the top of it .


this is just my 2ps worth as i realy regret buying my pcp

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