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I Personally like the .25 Cal and that's Why i bought it, Calibre is an individuals choice some like .177, .20, .22 or .25 makes no difference :yes:

has long as your happy and confident they can all hit Target if you perform as well.

My TTR 1 is zeroed at 25 yards, and i hunt out to 50 yards with My rifles preferred ammo the .25 cal H & N FTT hitting with 19.91 gr smacks with more kinetic retained energy so

lights out if i do My bit correctly, But i also shoot .177 and .22 and as long as your accurate it don't make much difference what cal You have. :)

i just like shooting all cals :).


atvb Daz 7.

Edited by Daz 7
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You wouldn`t really see much increas in retained kinetic energy as the heavier calibres will be going slower,, speed and weight , etc etc


I personally prefer the flatter trajectory of a lighter cal, as they are equally as lethal, but find that having to correct for trajectory less, makes for more accurate shooting.


I think the bottom line is that, whatever calibre you use,, practice your accuracy and it will do the job.



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I havent done the maths exact but I guess .If some one threw a bag of sugar at you 2lbs weight it will be moving at 6ft per sec you could catch it but a pellet half the weights and half the dia of a 177 will be moving at 2000 ft per sec the pellet will go straight threw you.If someone can do the exact maths I would be grateful or can understand what I have just written .This is just to demonstrate a big pellet or a small pellet at 12 ft lbs

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The bottom line, is that all calibres have to produce 12ft lbs energy at the muzzle. This means that lighter calibers travel faster to make the same power.


The difference in retained power at various distances is negligable. The difference being that the lighter faster pellet will get there quicker and take a flatter route.


When the pellets arrive, they will carry roughly the same energy anyway.

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Lads I see what your all saying in different scenarios and I agree with you as you are correct.


Here is a scenario to think about.


Not too scale as a marble is a lot lighter than a cricket ball I know, but gives a example.


.177 11.5 foot pound hitting a rabbit with a missed heart and lung shot in the chest cavity.


Damage is a through shot with internal bleeding. Rabbit runs off and dies after a long and slow death.


.25 same shot. Rabbit is knocked off its feet completely due to a larger surface area with a greater mass hitting it at a slower speed.


Pellet probably stays in the chest due to the slower and larger projectile slowing very fast.


This causes full kinetic transfer to the quarry.


Internal damage is far worse.


Its the same difference as if I was to get a marble and a cricket ball. I throw the marble at your leg at say the same power as you throw a snow ball hard as you can to hurt the target as you dont really like him or her. It would hurt and give a small bruise on the persons leg.


Next I am playing tag but with a cricket ball. I don't want to hurt my friend so I throw it slower thinking it wont hurt, but in reality this equates to the same power as the marble did.


The ball hits in the same place on the leg.


The bruise is massive and your friend falls over crying and in pain saying he or she cant get up or walk.

Edited by zini
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This is whats happening in a crude way with the large and small calibres.


Where the larger falls down is as you say its trajectory.


This is where the shooter needs to really know his or her aim points and ideally if shooting further than their zero use a LRF.



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I have a reg'd .25 ultra by phill (same as si uses in rise of the verminators)


I also shoot .177 and .22 (never tried .20 thats on the list though)


I think you have to try a .25 to understand the wallop it gives. The energy from the pellet its transfered onto the quarry, not so much through it.


A bit like being stabbed with a knife at 50mph or being stabbed with a scaffolding bar at 30mph.


Im not saying .177 doesnt do the job, as i use it alot with good results, but its a dirrerent type of kill in comparison to .25 which kind of knockes them over at the same time.

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Rough and quick figures into CGP =


A 8.4 grain .177 at 11.5 (foot pounds energy) FPE will have 6.2 FPE retained at 55 yards


A 24.3 grain .25 at 11.5 FPE will have 7.1 FPE retained at 55 yards. Almost a full FP more.


Both energy's there though are ample to kill any of our legal vermin at that range.

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In terms of retained energy, I'm led to believe the larger calibers are more efficient. Is this correct?


How much stored energy in ft/lb would a .25 have compared to a .177 at a range of 50m?


Well thats all relevant to pellet weight used ect. But its not so much how much retained energy there is. Its how its dispursed onto your quarry rather than through it.

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Bang on Bang tidy :thumbs: .


You have hit the nail on the head there ;) .


A .22 sub sonic rim fire bullet travelling fast and flat will and does for many people (even though they dont like to admit it on here) kill foxes at 100 yards.


Why do we suggest a bigger heavier bullet being better for the job?


Larger surface area, more damage on kinetic impact (greater impact knock down power as we like to call it) bigger impact and exit wound = bigger internal organ vacume if the larger bullet goes straight through, more internal damage.


No difference with a .177 and .25 but at smaller quarry. Its still flesh and blood.


Why dont we use small light bowling balls to throw at the pins? because the heavier larger ones have a greater effect.

Edited by zini
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