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Where can i get some break away fox snares from .

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I am after some fox snares with the break away device on them can any one tell me where i could get some from please .


hi there ,,why do you want them as a break away type snare fenn... is there some specific reason.

Edited by logun
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best to stay away from fence lines and hedges fenn....there loads of badgers around me so i set out on open trails now to avoid accidents.... if you keep your wires set around nine inches off ground will get no badger catches...... i tried using break away devises before they worked ok on fence lines where the fence would act as a bit of a spring and cushion the force on the link,,, but on open runs i had many fox who broke away as i got near them.... they give every thing they got to try to escape but would sit there for ages with out any one getting close to them... another thing with fence snaring in areas with lots of badger is your more likely to get badgers busting your snares up than a fox.....each to they own but they were my findings... ;)

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Thanks logun i think i will take your advice from your previous comment as there are way too many badgers on the ground . I have been on the ground the last three days catching moles and the amount of runs from badgers is unreal so best keep away from the fences i think .There is a tackle shop in cwmbran 2 mins from my place should i change my mind i will get some there .Thanks also to firefox for the offer .

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