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Beach combing

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Was up at my friends house, told me about a large piece of trawl net in the weed. He'd no use for it so off I went a looking. Got a large bit 10-15 yards square, going to come in handy when I make my chicken run to keep wild birds out of it.


My friend does a regular check along that shore, it's unreal how many large logs wash up and he's down with the chainsaw at them, almost keeps him in firewood for the year.


Anyone else go scavenging along the sea shore for bits and pieces?

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Love it when we go up the west coast of scotland, but never find much except, buoys and lobster pots that have broken loose in the storms.


There are meant to be some seeds that are the size of pebbles that get washed up quite a bit, and originate from the carribean, cant remember what they are called now.


My parents still have a few glass floats, from nets, that they found washed up when they were kids.

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