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Info regarding traditional hound hunting

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Got into a debate with the mother in law recently regarding various forms of hunting, started easily enough with her fluffy bunny mentality telling me how things like ratting terriers or diggin foxes is terrible. An easily won argument when pointing out how swift it is and the details of the alternatives.


She then brought up the popular fox hunting ban and let loose an inquisition. I have to admit at one stage she bowled me over with a stumper that I simply cannot answer, to paraphrase her "if it's so humane using a terrier to dig a fox out then why do you need horses and hounds?". In all fairness to her I was stumped as she mentioned things such as horse & hounds food and keep costs along with all the livery and weighed it against the cost of one man, a gun and a digging dog.


This got me wondering what the pratical reasons are for fox hunting with hounds (as per before the ban). I'm well aware of it's roots of farmers chasing down foxes with small packs and growing from there, along with the traditional social functions of the hunt. But from looking around online all websites seem to be of one camp or another, either "hunting is the devils spawn and will damn you all to hell" & "look at how much work we lost after the ban, and watch this video of idiot antis using violence".


Nowehre seemed to just provide basic facts and reasons behind the hunt. Which leaves me at a loose end to hit the debate back to the in laws side of the court with. SAdly she seems to think because she may or may not have won one aspect of the issue then this instantly means all forms of animal killing animal under humane direction is bad and poison and glue traps are nice "humane" things.


So for the sake of education can anyone provide me with some real facts about the practical aspect of fox hunting (pre ban)?

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A terrier/gun combination has no selection of what lives and what dies, hunting with hounds usually accounts for the ill or weak..

The horse owners pay a cap to allow them to follow the hounds and cross country that would normally be out of bounds if they weren't following the hunt, that money is vital to the running of the kennels etc. and if she can come up with a better alternative for huntsman etc to keep up with hounds then she's a better man than many who have gone before..

But some fuckers just don't want too understand it..

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A terrier/gun combination has no selection of what lives and what dies, hunting with hounds usually accounts for the ill or weak..

The horse owners pay a cap to allow them to follow the hounds and cross country that would normally be out of bounds if they weren't following the hunt, that money is vital to the running of the kennels etc. and if she can come up with a better alternative for huntsman etc to keep up with hounds then she's a better man than many who have gone before..

But some fuckers just don't want too understand it..


nicely put.

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Hounds will/can put foxes to ground, if a fox isn't below you can't dig it can you? The estate I dug on the foxes would be lying up in cover in all but the harshest weather so it meant pushing the gorse through with lurchers. For me hounds & terriers are the perfect combination for control.

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theres only one way to cure here mate,that doesn't resort to a back hander lol. :laugh: :laugh:


you and the mrs buy her a few pretty chickens next birthday. when old charlie pays a vist and kills her much loved chicks all will become CLEAR!!!!!!!! :thumbs:

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