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Hi everyone,ino my one do is not a working dog she's a rottweiler but she has a heat lump on her neck wich is getting sticky and pussy,I took her to the vets not long ago about it and they charged me 80 for tabs and washing stuff,just wondering isit because my working bitch is passing sum germ onto her or something? I can describe it its a large area on the neck and its abit pussy and swowlen,any help atall would be much apprecheated

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Could be a tick head or black thorn in there try salty water few times a day to see if draws and drys it get some hibby scrub and give a little rub over with this aswell to try and stop any re infection it's a start for ya

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Thanks both comments,ye ill try sum salt water naw thankyou,were can I get that hibby scrub?and she's 7and a half she is at that age where problems start unfortuonatly :(its on her neck right hand side she did have it in the summer vet said its normal for big long haired dogs can get it but its re appeard naw and its not summer so I'm confused,I had tablets and a wash last time but I think there is a reason for this re appearing,thanks for the help

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Unless it is an abscess, it sounds like what they usually call atopic dermatitis: which simply means a bacterial skin infection of unknown origin. As long as you are sure there isn't a foreign body trying to work its way out from under the skin: your vet will have already checked that I presume: then all you can do is wash it with hibiscrub and put loads of antiseptic cream on it: Sudacrem has worked for me in the past.


What is the dog's diet? Some dogs are more prone to this sort of thing if they are fed a diet high in cereals.


Also, contact Dorwest Herbs who do some very good remedies for all manner of problems.http://www.dorwest.com/ I'd phone them up and have a chat with one of their advisors: they are very clued up on medical things even though not vets. Sometimes, when mainstream medicine fails, it pays to look at alternatives.

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Could be lots of things which the vet might not consider on a first presentation but would see in a different light at a second presentation so vets if not settling.


I'd start with shaving the area to get a proper look and so you can apply cream etc. clean with plain boiled cooled, water, add salt if you wish, then a barrier cream like sudo as already mentioned. If not improving then vets.

I'd stick to plain and simple so you can tell what's working or not rather than try lots of over the counter products.

Edited by sandymere
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