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Diana 52 177

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  On 02/01/2013 at 21:59, jerry1 said:

Hi all i have been offerd a diana mod 52 in very good condition with a hawke 6x42 scope and plastic gun box . Just wonderd if anyone had any info on this gun inc reliability / power / cost / ect . Any info appreciated .Thanks ATB .

hi mate they are a cracking bit of kit, a friend of mine had one for years he regrets he ever sold it some years ago, i have the modern version of it which is the Diana 54 airking basicaly on the same lines as yours but is a semi recoiless springer, to be honest the gun doesn,t flintch when you fire a shot and is superbly accurate (when i,m on form, when i miss i,m to blame not the gun) any way happy shooting my friend buy it you won,t regret it.
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as the other guys have said........ £40???!!!!! :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek: It looks in good nick too!

having said that, I got mine about 15 years ago from the very dusty attic space of an adventure activities company I was working for at the time. They used to offer rifle shooting as an activity but stopped after the Dunblane tragedy sent public opinion of guns downward. They had about 10 rifles unused for 5 years, no one wanted them, they were just taking up space and they had no idea what they were worth (neither did I or I'd have bought them all!) So I bought the 2 least battered ones and all the remaining pellets (30 odd tins) and a cleaning kit for about £20. They were still a bit tatty mind, but mine still shoots straight!


enjoy yours and I hope you never have to sell it!



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