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Gardens and Dogs

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I have a bit of a problem, 2 male dogs, one neutered one entire, where they piss in garden burns grass and messes up lawn. Problem is I am in a new house and quite a few trees and bushes in the garden so lots of targets for them to piss.


Is there any thing I can do with diet or liquids with the dogs to lose this effect?


I must be getting old worrying about hte garden.






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hi i don't know if they work but i have herd of a pee stick it is a pheromone treated post (it smell like another dog so they pee hear instead)

wouldn't have a clue where to get one alternatively make a small area for the dogs to go pee (this is what i have done as i have a large garden ) and we have nicknamed their area the dog pooh minefield :D

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i know you can get spray to keep unwanted cats and dogs out of ur garden i suppose you could spray that on the area u dont want the dogs going :thumbs:

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For something to get 'em whizzin' in one spot you might try something like http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod...p;N=2001+113510


For places they've already gone http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod...p;N=2001+113510


Finally, as a preventive supplement you might try http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod...p;N=2001+113510


I've dealt with the Foster & Smith folks pretty regularly here, but don't know what they'd be like to deal with from your location. You might have similar merchants offering similar products closer to home.


If you see where they're whizzin' when they do it you can usually water that area well right after and dilute out the urine to prevent the burns. Honestly though, that's more trouble than it's worth.

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Pets at Home sell 'Dog Rocks' which I think are meant to reduce the effect of urine on your garden. Never bothered myself because the garden's a mud bath anyway with between 2 and 4 dogs tearing round it at any time :icon_eek: I've given up....

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