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Hw differences

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I own a hw100t and my brother owns an hw100 kt (carbine) so having shot both I can say the following - both are pretty much as accurate as each other. The full length has a slightly larger cylinder and therefore very slightly better shot count (10 shots or so). The carbine is easier to handle for hunting due to the reduced length but being 6ft4 the extra length of the 't' is no issue for me and I prefer the balance of the full length. To be honest my opinion is that it is a very personal thing as to which you prefer as there is little to choose between them as they are both more accurate than I am :). Perhaps the carbine is better balanced for those who notice these things as they are both pretty heavy but as I am built like a mountain gorilla I am not capable of noticing such subtleties.

Sorry I can't be more help as I really can't separate them enough to list many pros and cons.


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Horses for courses......


Both rifles are deadly acurate and deciding an a model is simply down to how it feels on YOUR shoulder! Also what scenarios will you be shooting in? There are definate advantages of a karbine if shooting from a car for example. If a lot of your shooting is at targets the full length wouldn't have much of an impact.


Shot count isn't so much of an issue as although the full lenght will give you more shots, you can always change the cylinder for an aftermarket one like an A&M, Even in the karbine model you should get over 100 shots.... :icon_eek:


I have the KT which I love, the only reason I bought that model is simply because of the look of it! :icon_redface:


Shoulder both and see which you prefer.....





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As Andy said they are both equally as accurate as each other when matched to the right pellet. i have owned 3 one full length sporter stocked and one full length thumb hole i now own the hw100kt and its perfect for my needs, i prefer the thumbhole stock to sporter but thats my opinion, i have the a&m cylinder on mine i use it for hft as well as hunting lovely rifles and bomb proof if looked after. ATB Aaron

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  On 03/01/2013 at 10:21, porkybella said:

How many inches longer is the full length compared to the karbine?


Full length is 4 inches longer overall (barrel is 410mm rather than 310mm on the karbine)

Get your hands on both at your local RFD if they have them. I am pretty sure you will love one or the other.

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