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The theft of ferrets

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Had 4 of mine nicked late october plus a load of ferreting gear, unless you catch them red handed with the stuff you've got a slim chance of recovering the goods. But I have a couple of names that I am looking into.........................I am more interested in finding who the parasites are and have offered a £200 reward for a name, but nothing as yet................

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low b*****ds. What makes you angry is a lot of lads would part with the odd ferret if somebody asked properley. Chris dont know how stuck you are, but i have a couple of large poley hobs that are not getting the graft if they can be of any use to you, but i am up norf.

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Had some c*nt try and nick one of my hobs last year. I assume the b*stard got a sore one I came out and found one very proud of himself ferret with a few blood splats around the hutch. Sorry to hear about your 4 being taken I don't understand the kind of scum that could do something like this.

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The thing that winds me up is that frets are cheap, £2k a fret and you could understand it ( not condone it, mind), but at £10 a pop why don't the tw@s just buy them? Sorry to hear that mate, hope they were nippy b*****ds, sore hands is the very least they should suffer!

Good luck finding decent replacements for your stinkers bud.

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