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I have always been a beliver of living off the land, nature can give us so much of what we need and for free, you just have to open your eyes and learn, i still tend to use bartering with local farmers and land owners for game if i am to busy to hunt, having an abundance of logs always helps, every year i make my own wine and elderberry is my all time favourite i end up with countless bottles of wine to drink and swap with also.

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I have always been a beliver of living off the land, nature can give us so much of what we need and for free, you just have to open your eyes and learn, i still tend to use bartering with local farmers and land owners for game if i am to busy to hunt, having an abundance of logs always helps, every year i make my own wine and elderberry is my all time favourite i end up with countless bottles of wine to drink and swap with also.

well i am in yorkshire, comuting between selby and dishforth, so if ever you need anything in particular ill more then happily try and help for a sample :) always wanted to make my own but its a bit of a faff with my current hours, keep it up :)


atb, tony

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I have put my large garden over to a veg plot, 14 fruit trees, 12+ fruit bushes, 10 ducks and 21 chickens & bantams. I usually give my surplus away via freecycle but would be delighted to swap fruit, eggs, tomato plants, poultry litter for composting, for any rabbits or game - or buy them.. ( I need to have 120gm protein daily after major bariatric surgery).

I used to make wine with my fruit but now mainly make liqueurs.

I live in Mendip, Somerset.

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