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major cock- up...91..lol.. memories ehh...

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Well with it being the festive season had a chance to catch up with an old digging buddy....havent seen him in bout 3 years..

We have been mates since about 5 or 6 he used to come too his grannys house which was next door to ours,.. his mum has always been sound but his dad was always far out there.... anyway at the age of around 9 or 10 his mum and dad divorced and he was always round his grannys... he was fascinated with the shit id be getting up to... so i persuaded my dad to let him come with us with the terriers when he was about 13... he had been shooting with us and stuff and the odd bit of ferreting but never digging.... he was hooked and me and him used to walk everywhere together and when there was room in the car way the older boys i made sure he got to go.... we dug our fair share of foxes out the back roads round our town when the older men were at work and we were meant to be in school :icon_redface: .... he was the only man i witnessed to ever own a kc registered fox terrier called bobby which actually dug a few foxes.... i kid you not he bought the dog of a man from my town at the age of about 18 months a snipey wire haired tri coloured dog... we must have dug around 10 or 12 foxes with the dog before he decided that fox work was no longer what he liked....

anyway we were also mooching at the time with a kid who we called micky mouse ( he had serious ears) but a good lad and would dig like fcuk and game to dig anywhere at the time so we gelled well... we were about 16 at this stage and micky mouse decided he wanted his own dogs he bought a red dog nice article looked the part with the major bullshit story that comes with them. and its still the same old pitch now a days lol... the dog we would soon discover would sit bout a foot of his fox maybe even a little more and if you were digging a fox who knew the score, they would just sit till we were a foot of them and then shift..we might have only been 16 but beleive me we were well schooled in terriers and like then and now have a standard.....so micky decided to sell old red and put him in we think it was the dealer at the time lol...so after a few phonecalls 3 dublin men landed up to buy the dog.. they were youngest maybe 28 oldest bout 45.


Fcuk the shock they got when they knocked my das door and i opened it... wee young lad... so we got into there van, the 3 dubs me, micky and we will call the other man harry.... so we drove bout 15 mins out of town to a farmers ditch great spot even to this day... bout 9-10 eyes along a banking.. so old red was collared and allowed to work the ditch, while bobby the fox terrier was brought out to empty and just get a general duke about....the red dog trots along over the first 3 eyes and drops...now the dog never checked a dead hole or false marked for when he was bought the first thing was checked was his nose if he said no we would always let old faithful see if he was lying... i knew we were in so it was time to relax and start to quizz the dub men see what sort of men they were... after 20 mins red was baying away and the fox hadnt bolted yet so we decided the were trapped and decied to get a pin on the box, so i jump up over the hedge over the lane and into the field to bleep the dog... got him 3 ft listened for bout 3 mins baying away ok men mon up his in here....so give another while bleep him again to be 100% and it was rescue on... was a ploughed field and was handy digging and in about 20 mins... no dog???? no fox?? i mean he wasnt even near us ... i was like what the fcuk??.... i look round.... bobby the fox terrier who had been brought out for a shite and a duke about was collared up aswell... and tied up about 4ft from where we were digging... it was obvious after we checked and they heard us moving about on top they shifted but with me not knowing the fox terrier was collared i was picking him up on the box before we started to dig :toast: :toast: .... so after some serious :icon_redface: :icon_redface: and bout 20 mins to stop laffing and composing myself we actually picked up old red bout 15 ft more up the banking and job done dub men well pleased and mickey mouse got his work shop wages back so was all good :D ... happy new year folks.... :thumbs: :thumbs:

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great read mate- me and a mate done it to wind a lad up many years ago whilst ferreting [spare collar up my sleeve & following him about trying to keep a straight face ] it was class!

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Great story, happens everyone at some stage, second collar switched on somewhere :yes:

Happy new year M.

LOL.. never happened since ill tell you that :icon_redface: ... thanks G and a very happy and healthy NEW YEAR to your family and every one on the site.... :thumbs:
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