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help with springer puppy

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hi , im haveing trouble getting my ess pup 3months old to socialise with other dogs , he screams and trys to run like hes threatend , cant understand why he has not had anything happen to him or anything from another dog , he done it with my patterdale aswell but stayed with them together for an hour or more and he was fine but any other dog he srcreams like there going to kill him , can someone help please tell me what to do , has anybody had this before with a pup thanks

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im sure this topic has just been done mate check through recent posts it should be still about hope you get sorted tho -billy ps i dont think your alone on this as i have heard of it before and it usually sorts itself out

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Yes it`s been covered before,and the age of the dog has a lot to do with it,so what do we do "sit back and let the dog mature out of it" ? No we read the dog.

With your new found scientology approach, i`d of thought you would have this nailed in a nano second,or have you not completed the course yet.

more or less it`s how you cure gun shyness ?????????



PM me and i`ll give you the 1 and only 2013 free lesson,normally retailing at £4 to £600.


Happy New Year.


Ps tell anybody and i will know. !

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i havent completed the course mate but i would [in MY opinion] just have a friend stand 20 yds or more away with his /her dog whilst pup is still in the comfort zone and not screaming etc & slowly edge the other dog in whilst praising and reassuring the pup that other dogs can be trusted it may take a week or two but thats my way of thinking -im sure you will put me right tho if im wrong [here goes lads ] -billy

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hi , im haveing trouble getting my ess pup 3months old to socialise with other dogs , he screams and trys to run like hes threatend , cant understand why he has not had anything happen to him or anything from another dog , he done it with my patterdale aswell but stayed with them together for an hour or more and he was fine but any other dog he srcreams like there going to kill him , can someone help please tell me what to do , has anybody had this before with a pup thanks

the way to resolve fear is through creating a desire for something else in this case it would have to be through the hunger circuit as the pup is too young to be affected by drive, a system that can be used with older dogs,


if we look at the natural world its through hunger that most animals come into contact or make themselves seen to man, think about it everytime a little bird feeds he put himself at risk from a hawk, its hunger that forces a rabbit from its hole to feed where danger is all around,


its fear is been overpowered for the animal to feed and the reason for this is that an animal cant hold on to two feelings at the same time, one must give way to the other, the hungrier the pup becomes the more fear he will have to give up to eat


i would set up opportunities where the pup only eats in the proximity of other dogs , not in his face but near enough for him to respond to them on sight , gradually lessen the distance feeding until your feeding him within a few metres, the more he feeds in the presents of other dogs the less effect they have on him , we are making the pup respond to its gut to eat like mother nature intended for animals , if we just throw a bowl of food down to the pup we are just feeding the fear, if we praise the feeling of fear we are heading down the wrong road,


he may not do it at the start the sight of another dog may be overpowering but hunger causes a tension only satisfied by oral impulse like when we leave a soft natured dog at kennels , he will lose weight rapid because he's all in his head he cant reference his gut until the tension inside gets too much and forces him to quell the internal tension but he wont eat anywhere as much as he would at home where he feels safe,


there are no big secrets in the the dog world, its when we start projecting thoughts into the animals head thats where it all starts falling apart, "he's just trying it on"or "pulling a fast one on ya" all that talk makes it personal between us and the mutt and with the human ego the dog will always come out of it the worst off,


for true understanding and canine knowledge, no charge, best of luck with it bud


ps i hope this is not too sciency for some, in fact i believe its going to where we were before the one fits all alpha approach of the modern era, its working with nature not against it

thanks billy

Edited by Casso
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Like it`s been mentioned before Casso,and not by me,why use 20 sentences when 1 will suffice.


The only sentence worth paying attention to in the above post is as follows " if we praise the feeling of fear we are heading down the wrong road ".



Regards the "one fits all approach to training",please read my other posts,which will then enlighten you a bit more !


One things for sure i don`t envy you running out 600 yards with that big bag of goodies when your dog`s just given you the fingers on the stop whistle or would we just recall him and tell him he`s not getting his biscuit.


working with nature ?





Hope you realise the error of your ways now ( ie,dog screaming remedy ).


Stick in there kid.

Edited by camokev64
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Said it many times before: 12 weeks is too old for first socialising. Pups need to start their socialising at around 5-6 weeks: this means carrying pup with you when you go out. Walk to end of road, sit and watch the world go by. By the time pup hits 12 weeks the window of opportunity is closing in terms of pup's ability to complete the 'wiring' in its brain which allows it to see new things, people, dogs as non threatening. Big mistake to keep pups in yard, house until jabs complete as the timing is all wrong for dog development. Don't worry about pup catching disease as long as it has had its first jab and you don't live in a high risk area for parvo, distemper and the like.


Your pup may well be OK, but it will take longer to adapt to new dogs, situations etc than if it had been well socialised earlier, and may well always react nervously to begin with when faced with what it sees as threatening situations: those it wasn't exposed to before the 12 week window closed.


Just be patient, expose pup to new things every day: very important this: every single day give the pup a little bit more to handle, but never put it in a situation where it can be harmed or truly scared by other dogs. Very important to let it meet other well mannered dogs at this stage, not dogs which are out of control. If you see an idiot owner with an out of control dog then pick pup up and turn your back and head the other way: this is not being soft, but your pup needs to get over its fear before being exposed to idiots and their dogs. Pick the dogs you meet carefully.

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cant agree with that Penny, carrying around a 5/6 week old pup when it should be with its litter mates learning how to make its way socially in a canine world would be my first priority,

there are many dogs who are never socialised at all but many make clean social friendly pets at the end of there racing lives like the greyhound, my brother rehouses many who are never out off the paddock for months as pups but learn how to get on with other canines and people just fine,

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