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netting the holes

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Its queer that, but true, the bury you dont net, you will get a bolt.

have to agree with Bob, if you start blocking holes, theres a good chance you will have a dig on hand.

I dont know how you are financially, but surely you could afford a dozen nets.

I have four nylon purse nets with pegs, not as good as the spun poly, so I dont use them, I had more but gave them to a young Lad.

If you send me your name and address I will post them down to you, and i will also pay the post. :thumbs:

ive got 15 purse nets but im still coming across burrows with more holes, it would be greatly appreciated to have some but atleast let me pay for post.

you seem a keen lad. i have given all my spare nets away but i have 4 4ft nylon poke nets you can have.pegs either end. good for big holes or at the bases of trees etc. pm your details and i will send them on. :thumbs:

we're all keen lads darbo :whistling: hahaha

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Its queer that, but true, the bury you dont net, you will get a bolt. have to agree with Bob, if you start blocking holes, theres a good chance you will have a dig on hand. I dont know how you are f

iv seen it ferretin and on lamp, they will bypass a warren or even a few to get to theres, as tho they know not to dare enter the humble rabbit is a funny wee thing, an even after all these years i

I'm going to collar a big buck rabbit next, see whether i can get more boting than with my ferrets! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Its queer that, but true, the bury you dont net, you will get a bolt.

have to agree with Bob, if you start blocking holes, theres a good chance you will have a dig on hand.

I dont know how you are financially, but surely you could afford a dozen nets.

I have four nylon purse nets with pegs, not as good as the spun poly, so I dont use them, I had more but gave them to a young Lad.

If you send me your name and address I will post them down to you, and i will also pay the post. :thumbs:

ive got 15 purse nets but im still coming across burrows with more holes, it would be greatly appreciated to have some but atleast let me pay for post.

you seem a keen lad. i have given all my spare nets away but i have 4 4ft nylon poke nets you can have.pegs either end. good for big holes or at the bases of trees etc. pm your details and i will send them on. :thumbs:

we're all keen lads darbo :whistling: hahaha

you dont need nets on your land your lab could catch them there that easy :laugh::whistling:
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Its queer that, but true, the bury you dont net, you will get a bolt.

have to agree with Bob, if you start blocking holes, theres a good chance you will have a dig on hand.

I dont know how you are financially, but surely you could afford a dozen nets.

I have four nylon purse nets with pegs, not as good as the spun poly, so I dont use them, I had more but gave them to a young Lad.

If you send me your name and address I will post them down to you, and i will also pay the post. :thumbs:

ive got 15 purse nets but im still coming across burrows with more holes, it would be greatly appreciated to have some but atleast let me pay for post.

you seem a keen lad. i have given all my spare nets away but i have 4 4ft nylon poke nets you can have.pegs either end. good for big holes or at the bases of trees etc. pm your details and i will send them on. :thumbs:

we're all keen lads darbo :whistling: hahaha

you dont need nets on your land your lab could catch them there that easy :laugh::whistling:

you've been speaking to that patterdalejoel to much ;)

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iv netted 16 - 17 holers and missed litrally the 1 hole and 9 times out of ten the rabbit will bolt out of the un netted hole garanteed, its fecking frustrating,especailly when its been hard going netting through brambles ect and really arkward holes, but thats really kind of you c,j a true gent :thumbs: atb fts

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I was out for a wee mooch last week, was just after 2 pm and the Whippet marked a big warren, I netted up and there was two burys left.

Should have known better, two rabbits bolted from the unnetted burys.

was in a wood, the Dug missed the first, and put the second into a deep bury, know way was I going to net up, it would have been a dig.

Because this happens regular, you start to wonder if they knew theres no net on.

that bury i missed the two, I must have put on 15 nets, you would have thought the law of averages, at least one would hit a net. :hmm:

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Is it only myself that thinks a rabbit has clocked a few nets on the entrances and turned back resulting in them finding a hole without a net? I watch year in year out as rabbits pop there head out touching the net to go back down, (Usually to find some fangs not far behind.)

Bolters always seem to find the sneaky holes on the fringes though.

I reckon rabbits think twice about bolting sometimes when they see a net, think the fine gauge nets help in these situations.

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Guest norseman

you can be sure the one you dont net they will bolt from. i cover what i can then block up the rest. works for me :victory:

:thumbs: exz@ctly wh@t h@ppened 2 us tod@y


aye happened to me last time i went out, last rabbit of the day too, didnt even see the hole :icon_redface: gets the heart going though :laugh:

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We have a sett that goes below the base of a tree and spreads out, but all the holes lead out from the base of the tree, with a secret bolt hole about 10 yards away. For all it looks small, it is bloody deep and like the piicture there are 5 of them 'holes' around the base and without the poke nets i have, i wouldn't stand a chance. There is also a sett which is below a trailer and we use the poke nets, too surround that aswell, we could use stop nets but for what it is, its not cost effective so had andy make me a few 5ft poke nets and we just drape them over the sides. I always have 5/6 in my bag just incase, although i don't use them too cover multiple holes as i prefer to purse net every hole.

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Rabbits love tree roots, and for me, they bolt better,

you get a grand rumble.

Although this thread is about loosing rabbits not covering all the holes.

Its good with the opposite, i did a bury in a banking recently, netted up about 10 nets, when I noticed a bury, really far out from the Warren, when i looked at it, I thought no way is that connected, but decided to stick a net on it any way.

I heard nothing, but the whippet took off and there was a bunny in that net, must say i was well chuffed, my partner was with me, and she said I was beaming like a Schoolboy. :thumbs:

Edited by Country Joe
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