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Local hunt stephens days (Munster, Ireland)

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes still @llowed to hunt but for how long i wonder :hmm: yes dogs nice i couldnt keep me eyes off them hence the l@ck of photos lol :thumbs:

Dont say that lol, my filly wont be old enough to join up with my local hunt until winter 2014 :(

no i w@s lol'ng @t the l@ck of photos cos i w@s to busy looking @t the dogs. it w@s my first time @t @ meet since i w@s @ kid @nd i c@me @w@y w@nting @ horse so i could t@ke p@rt ;)
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yes still @llowed to hunt but for how long i wonder :hmm: yes dogs nice i couldnt keep me eyes off them hence the l@ck of photos lol :thumbs:

Dont say that lol, my filly wont be old enough to join up with my local hunt until winter 2014 :(

no i w@s lol'ng @t the l@ck of photos cos i w@s to busy looking @t the dogs. it w@s my first time @t @ meet since i w@s @ kid @nd i c@me @w@y w@nting @ horse so i could t@ke p@rt ;)

Ive 2 but they are both youngsters... Ive a feeling both will be brought hunting even though 1 of them will only be 14.2 to 14.3

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yes still @llowed to hunt but for how long i wonder :hmm: yes dogs nice i couldnt keep me eyes off them hence the l@ck of photos lol :thumbs:

Dont say that lol, my filly wont be old enough to join up with my local hunt until winter 2014 :(

no i w@s lol'ng @t the l@ck of photos cos i w@s to busy looking @t the dogs. it w@s my first time @t @ meet since i w@s @ kid @nd i c@me @w@y w@nting @ horse so i could t@ke p@rt ;)

Ive 2 but they are both youngsters... Ive a feeling both will be brought hunting even though 1 of them will only be 14.2 to 14.3

is 14.2 .... very sm@ll? i wouldnt h@ve @ clue. my @unt used to hunt horse the whole time but stopped few ye@rs @go, i used h@ve no interest when she w@s hunting , now i just wish she would t@ke it up @g@in :laugh: just typic@ll :thumbs:
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yes still @llowed to hunt but for how long i wonder :hmm: yes dogs nice i couldnt keep me eyes off them hence the l@ck of photos lol :thumbs:

Dont say that lol, my filly wont be old enough to join up with my local hunt until winter 2014 :(

no i w@s lol'ng @t the l@ck of photos cos i w@s to busy looking @t the dogs. it w@s my first time @t @ meet since i w@s @ kid @nd i c@me @w@y w@nting @ horse so i could t@ke p@rt ;)

Ive 2 but they are both youngsters... Ive a feeling both will be brought hunting even though 1 of them will only be 14.2 to 14.3

is 14.2 .... very sm@ll? i wouldnt h@ve @ clue. my @unt used to hunt horse the whole time but stopped few ye@rs @go, i used h@ve no interest when she w@s hunting , now i just wish she would t@ke it up @g@in :laugh: just typic@ll :thumbs:

Small enough... Connemara size, the other one should make 16hh so typical hunter size although they could both grow taller

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yes still @llowed to hunt but for how long i wonder :hmm: yes dogs nice i couldnt keep me eyes off them hence the l@ck of photos lol :thumbs:

Dont say that lol, my filly wont be old enough to join up with my local hunt until winter 2014 :(

no i w@s lol'ng @t the l@ck of photos cos i w@s to busy looking @t the dogs. it w@s my first time @t @ meet since i w@s @ kid @nd i c@me @w@y w@nting @ horse so i could t@ke p@rt ;)

Ive 2 but they are both youngsters... Ive a feeling both will be brought hunting even though 1 of them will only be 14.2 to 14.3

is 14.2 .... very sm@ll? i wouldnt h@ve @ clue. my @unt used to hunt horse the whole time but stopped few ye@rs @go, i used h@ve no interest when she w@s hunting , now i just wish she would t@ke it up @g@in :laugh: just typic@ll :thumbs:

Small enough... Connemara size, the other one should make 16hh so typical hunter size although they could both grow taller

:thumbs: @lw@ys liked horses there so soft @nd gentle (most of the time ) for the size of them
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