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Paulus status updates

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I must be bored. is paulus obcessed with rain. Some status updates...............................


when it rains it definetly rains......lol


blue sky and no rain, i must still be asleep......




pissing it down and has been all night......again


rain,rain,more rain and more rain to come.......


more rain.............


they have just said on the bbc news its the wetest year in england on record, well whoopy fooking do i would never have guessed.....lol


the rains stopped and now the mist rolls in, i give up....lol


piss wet through again mind from fog this time makes a change from rain


I love ian b, oh its raining................


pissing it down as usual. god i love this global warming


20hrs of rain so far...:-(


34 hours and its still pissing it down :-(


its finally stoped raining 41 ferking hours!!!


never rains but it pours.


rain,rain and more fooking rain.....


third thunderstorm of the day.....


Fuzzy mod scrapped......... Now rainy mod :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Naw Judge is GrCh.............never on now cause he is love.....ffs!! Christain has always been christain.............Christine as he is known... :D

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Who was it that put the photo of a big cat up again, was that Johnny boy?

Was that the one that was clearly a fox but Malt would argue till the cows came home it was a cat?.... :whistling:
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