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any free pups about

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Being unemployed is not an excuse to get the begging bowl out... Have some pride man and do what the rest of us do and save up... You'll appreciate the dog more.

if only you were closer :whistling:

I've a dog here shame you too far away and all that lol

If I knew someone was genuinely after a pup, they'd defo look after it & that I had a litter on I'd never think of charging for a pup.....ever. This would only happen if I knew the person though, I'd even supply the food as mine are flesh fed & I've never paid for dogfood for a good few years now.....I draw the line at vets bills though. So all in all although it is a bit of a piss take, I wouldnt hesitate in gifting a lad a pup in his situation IF they could be trusted or vouched for. Good luck finding a pup

:laugh: :laugh: bless you you will become a saint :laugh:
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If I knew someone was genuinely after a pup, they'd defo look after it & that I had a litter on I'd never think of charging for a pup.....ever. This would only happen if I knew the person though, I'd even supply the food as mine are flesh fed & I've never paid for dogfood for a good few years now.....I draw the line at vets bills though. So all in all although it is a bit of a piss take, I wouldnt hesitate in gifting a lad a pup in his situation IF they could be trusted or vouched for. Good luck finding a pup


Excellent reply, proper Irish gentleman :victory:

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Looking for a pup

Unemployd now so cant spend cash

So looking for a free or can offer a few quid to cover costs

Would be good if in the somerset area.. as no longer driveing


Ok I know I will get slated asking for free

But if you dont ask you dont get

try pets for homes
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The guy with the pupisis on hes way a saluki x greyhound

He said i dont have to pay for it till next year. What a star he is

He said it should come in season at about 9 months old

And i can use a dog from him to put over her

And pay him back from the sale of the pups


What a top man

Edited by redcur
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name='redcur' timestamp='1356688157' post='2966070']

The guy with the pupisis on hes way a saluki x greyhound

He said i dont have to pay for it till next year. What a star he is

He said it should come in season at about 9 months old

And i can use a dog from him to put over her

And pay him back from the sale of the pups


What a top man


put my name doon for a pup, as long as its oan tick mind :thumbs:

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I get abuse on here for asking serious questions mate!but this is abit dull even if I do say so my selfe,you are unemployed and you whant a dog?food,lead bowl ect vet bills ect?dogs do take up a fair bit of money




Hahahaha ha f*****ng priceless after a few of your recent topics I realy would of thought you would think before you type you must love a ribbing

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