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What dog for Alergies?

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I am new to shooting and would like to buy a gun dog.The problem being I am extreamly alergic to dogs.

Does anyone know of any suitable dogs for someone with alergies?


I need to find this out before I try and convince my partner to get one, as I work on the oil rigs and she would be the one having to look after it whilst i'm away.


I would imagine I would have to spend a little time with the dogs before commiting to buy one. I have been around some dog that i'm not so bad with one day and the next I can't see for my eyes bulging out of my head!!


Any addvice would be greatly appriciated.



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Matthew do not get a labradoodle! they are not hypoallergenic as some people believe, I have 3 of them and even though my three dont shed hair i know a lot that do. Ive also rescued for the the labradoodle trust 3 puppies (Over different periods of time) that where sold as hypoallergenic and the owners unfortunately couldnt live with them. Heartbreaking for them and upsetting for a yound dogs life.


The dog in my avatar is a great gundog however i dont know if its just luck that he turned out that way or a gradual exposure of shooting experiences but we have bred a pup primarily as my wifes pet but we will see how he goes. At the moment my young vizsla takes priority.


As for your question do you know what your allergic too? hair? saliva? mites? look long and hard mate dont break your own heart and spoil a young dog.


all the best


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I alway thought the Labradoodle where the idea dog as they didn't cast and seen a few advert's stating that this was there strong selling point . only saw one working though and it turned out a good enough retriever

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Hi folks


Thanks for the advice so far.


Stroller as far as what i'm alergic to it is all of the above I think!:(


The alargy tablets help for my hayfever but nothing else unfortuanatly!:(


I hear pigs are ideal pets for alargies but dont think they would make a retriver!!!lol!


I certainly would not want to take on a dog without 100% knowing it woud not be suitable.




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I also have allergies, hay fever etc....some dogs do affect me worse than others........I have never owned a gun dog so couldn't really comment on that. Certain dogs, although short haired can bring on my allergies and asthma worse than than some long hair dogs, for example boxers.... I always have to wash my hands after fussing my dogs, if not my nose and eyes can get real bad.


Best bet is keep it outside, or restrain to one room in the house. I dose up on a good nose spray, hayfever tablets and eye drops. Bedlingtons and poodles are the only ones I'm aware of that seem to be better due to having sort of hair rather than fur.



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Have a look at the Standard Poodle. Originally bred by the French as a water retriever by Wildfowlers..

Will be difficult to find a working breeder in this country but their is breeders in Canada and the US that breed them for work and import to this country, Google it

I believe their's someone in Scotland working them too....

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me my dad and sisters are all allergic to just about everything, BUT we get used to stuff, it took me about 2 weeks of suffering with my springer who now lays on the sofa and on the bottom of the bed im fine now as that was almost 2 yeast ago when i got her.


if i walk into someone else house who has a dog i get the itchy throat red eyes etc

so what im saying is get a dog a get over it ;)

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