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Ya gotta giv gorger credit were credit due he bred Lucas now panther the man doing something right

My bitch coming around big time,she had kennel cough the c**t kept sneezing so I let her rest for a while,maybe the rest do her all the good in da world,I am just looking forward to the day out see bo

she liked to be noticed at a very early age  

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when was panther in season heard she was out with course it at wk end and wk or 2 before up slemish

she was in season last 2 weeks when she was out with course it she was in front seat of van the way there and way back. I had her out with tommy c on sat she was in front seat the same.
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when was panther in season heard she was out with course it at wk end and wk or 2 before up slemish

she was in season last 2 weeks when she was out with course it she was in front seat of van the way there and way back. I had her out with tommy c on sat she was in front seat the same.



if she was in season why did you bring her out for hunt being in front seat dont change a season

she couldnt of been bad when she got a few runs , as some bitches get put of by being in season

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when was panther in season heard she was out with course it at wk end and wk or 2 before up slemish

your always in the know artful were you get all this info from??

hows your young bitch going mate?

very well nancy what you running your self any pics mate?
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The dog was in front seat so her brother or lucas wudnt get her if I wana run her in season it nothing to do with you. Running dogs and having bushing terriers completely different artful but you will know that as uve great knowledge of a dog lol

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bred from tina and bill on 1 side and kenny hall stuff on other we ll see how he goes. 2 pups whiteman x king on 1 side and of son of captain and miguel on other

some good breeding there nancy good luck with your pups maybe some day we will get out for a run together mate :thumbs:
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