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Terriers got an infection on Jaw

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Went out with the terriers the other day and had a small dig to my bitch, she took a bit of stick but not much really. She must have been scrapping for about 20 mins max with this thing.


Noticed today shes got a large bump on her jaw/mouth and its got a yellowy/greeny puss coming from it. As its christmas day the vets will be closed wont it, what can i do ?

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Its impossible to really give advice without seeing the wound but this is what i do to similar injuries. Wash the area with hibiscrub or salt water and trim as much hair as you can from the wound site. If the dog'll let you squeeze as much as you can out of the swelling and syringe the abcess out with salt water. Then syringe it full of antibiotic cream and keep a good eye on it. If the swelling and redness doesnt go then it may go deeper and need a trip to the vets or a full course of antibiotics

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soak off any scab with salt water use a shringe to flush inside the wound with the salt water repeat twice a day for the next few days so as not to allow it to scab back over and trap any infection in, eventually it will heal from the inside out, antibiotics will help but may not be needed unless the infection continues.

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Basically as Paulus said, it's always a good idea to clean any cuts up as soon as possible after a dig, I carry diluted hibiscrub, clean water some metacam and some gauze, then I will clean the dog up basically straight after a dig and give it some metacam then keep the wounds clean until healed and they always heal up nicely with no problems!

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if your going to work terriers you need to know these things pal and get your self some penicillin..........have a good day ...........

paulas was best advice but the more she is bitten the better her immune system will get to heal better...........and not infect


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I was once told to use some mastitis cream in wounds and punctures once you have cleaned the wound with hibi scrub and salt water serynge the mastitis cream into the wounds this should stop them turning bad


Thats what i meant by antibiotic cream, comes in a syringe with a long plastic nozzle. Ideal for delivery straight into puncture wounds and works a treat. Makes more sense to me to just treat the affected area rather than the whole body with oral antibiotics?

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stock up your first aid kit :thumbs:

soak off any scab with salt water use a shringe to flush inside the wound with the salt water repeat twice a day for the next few days so as not to allow it to scab back over and trap any infection in, eventually it will heal from the inside out, antibiotics will help but may not be needed unless the infection continues.

I was once told to use some mastitis cream in wounds and punctures once you have cleaned the wound with hibi scrub and salt water serynge the mastitis cream into the wounds this should stop them turning bad

That's what i use for wounds Willum and never had any problems with any wound going bad ever :thumbs: .

all good advice --and stock up your first aid kit :thumbs:
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Dogs should be checked over straight after dig, clean dogs off, wash wounds out with warm salt water a few times to get any crap out, fill wounds with germiline for few days then it will start to close and dry up! If dog has took a lot stick some penicillin may be worth while

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