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lurchers " English shepherd dog " anyone tried them?

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  On 29/12/2012 at 20:34, morton said:
  On 28/12/2012 at 16:16, trenchfoot said:
  On 28/12/2012 at 16:06, steve66 said:

Just out of interest anyone work a full collie ? ferreting mooching ect


I do, for mooching. Not as fast as a lurcher, obviously. But good nose, works under close control or on his own wide ranging. He also works sheep and pigs.


My favourite way to use him is to send him out to the top of a piece of ground to be worked, then have him bring the ground in towards the lurchers at the bottom end . No big hauls but makes for some good sport.


The way the current climate against hunting with running dogs is going, I think that for those of us that prefer to keep under the radar would be better served with "hunting collies" rather than out and out speedsters. If that makes any sense?

Is it a coincidence that the original lurcher concept,a dog that would go unnoticed,slip below the radar and yet still feed an hungry family or the drovers that used them as a multi-purpose jukel,is now,because of the ban,making a comeback.Centuries of injustice and we are basically still talking about the same dog.


Too true.When I am out for a mooch with just the one dog and keeping under the radar, of the 4 there is only one choice.



good job its not got pricked ears, otherwise I wouldn't give it house room. And you can't see its short neck so them rabbits just roll over for her!

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Prick ears and pig ugly.........but give me purpose over pretty anyday !!!   "Say Cheese !!"


wanted....................     some sucker to buy this dog so i can use it for stud an peddle the new colliex

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Yeah these collies lurchers with short necks would be better of with short legs too, then they might get a good stike in, and dont need to jump on the game or over run..he he. :tongue2:








This will put your dyslexia into a catatonic fit! ..lol :whistling:


fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too[/font]


Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.


i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.


The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr


in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.


The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos


not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


if you can raed tihs yuo haev it 2

Edited by kevin-Day
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I wish you all the best in your search for the perfect lurcher. Collie x's and curs work for me and many others. I have no doubt that there are other "breeds" or types of collies that could well have something to add to a hunting/running dog type. if that were my quest then i'd just do it. Quietly. Put the pups in the hands of people I trusted, and take honest feedback for what it is. Then take a decision as to whether or not to broadcast it via forums or the Countrymans etc. If you are that way inclined, then it is better to have tried and failed, than to have never tried at all. But be honest with yourself in appraising the outcome.


By they way Kevin, I can read it. I suffer with some "word blindness" and my sister also suffer with Dyslexia, so I can empathize with your situation. However, if you are looking for sympathy, when I last looked in my dictionary, I found it between sh#t and syphilis.


ATB, Yorkie

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Er, what was the point?, I got confussed some time ago.

Would it be fair to say that a pup from proven backround would save you a shitload of wedge as not having to shell out 650 notes for a collie sounds a bit steep.

Is this an ad post for collies?

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  On 29/12/2012 at 21:21, FUJI said:

I think I'll enter this in shows next year...should do ok in the ugliest mutt contest ..prick lugged,short necked,collie stare,stalks..do I have any hope of winning one of those sought after brightly coloured rosettes folks? Lol



Theres nothing ugly about Don imo.........Johnny says the same about Bron. :D

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Here you go lads, if you dont really care what a lurcher looks like why not back breed them to The Lancashire Heeler or Australian Cattle Dog Heeler, ;)

Now you will have a lurcher with the right size legs for kelpie and collie short necks just think no diving at rabbits they can chase them down the holes, a real all-rounder :boogy:

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  On 30/12/2012 at 12:36, kevin-Day said:



Here you go lads, if you dont really care what a lurcher looks like why not back breed them to The Lancashire Heeler or Australian Cattle Dog Heeler, ;)

Now you will have a lurcher with the right size legs for kelpie and collie short necks just think no diving at rabbits they can chase them down the holes, a real all-rounder :boogy:


No one with an ounce of sense would use an Aussie Cattle Dog to create a lurcher. Now you are taking the p###!

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No joking aside lads

I am only making my point in showing they are better old Collie breeds for the job out there,


I would have one of these pups if I had the room but dont.


A stud dog would pay for him self 10 times over in know time, what with all these flyball collies breeders wanting to use them too.


If 1 or 2 of you put some cash in the pot you could buy one of these 2 dog pups before their gone!







Thats the last thing I have to say on them, now its down to you Collie lurcher breeders to get the line going.!

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  On 30/12/2012 at 14:01, kevin-Day said:

No joking aside lads

I am only making my point in showing they are better old Collie breeds for the job out there,


I would have one of these pups if I had the room but dont.


A stud dog would pay for him self 10 times over in know time, what with all these flyball collies breeders wanting to use them too.


If 1 or 2 of you put some cash in the pot you could buy one of these 2 dog pups before their gone!







Thats the last thing I have to say on them, now its down to you Collie lurcher breeders to get the line going.!

no thanks

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