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Absolutely gutted


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i cant remember name but they do get a disease what causes weight loss and them not eating and being sick ,.its a kind of cancer in there glands..........some can be saved by vets ,.......

i had to shoot my best ferret years ago ...........when she was like this ,.........

its cruel to let them suffer............and i wont be lining no vets pocket ,.....never have , never will when it comes to ferrets

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  On 26/12/2012 at 08:35, ryballnben said:

4s not bad i would say average life span be around 5-7 yrs (AVERAGE) but i have had em live longer. Throw something terminal into the mix ie, cancer,kidney failure!! and the little lads not done that bad.. Good look with your next one ATB Ry. :)


4 is well below average life expectancy, at 4 mine are doing all the work I can throw at them. I retire mine when they start to slow down/take the work harder, usually around 7 and then generally live a few more years as 'retired seniors' (lol) after that...would be very disapointed if they died at only 4!


Sorry you lost your fert Kev, not fun to lose them especially when still young.

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Sorry to hear about your fert. Best bit of advice is to find a good vet, it's never nice when an animal goes downhill and dies when there might have been a solution. Best vets for ferts is an 'exotics' vet (ferrets are classed as exotic animals rather than small animals) and require specific vet knowledge. Just phone around your local vets, ask if they employ an exotics vet, even ask for a quick chat with the vet to see if you feel happy with them.


What was wrong with your fert could have been a number of things, sorry it suffered so long. As a rule of thumb if they seem off-colour/not eating for longer than 24 hrs then there's likely some issue. Members on this forum will be glad to help if you have a query. Wish you the best with your new fert.

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