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pups first bunny

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well had a hours out with just me pup and me mate came along with his beddy whippet, im only givein him 3 slips a night so im not over doin him to young, first rabbit i see is sittin 50 yeards off the hedge so got into the wind an slowley walked down side ov hedge got in frount ov it and walked out to it up it lifted pup was on it like a flash and turned it off the hedge and up side ov the field was a good 3 minuit run turnin it off the hedge a few times and finaly got it in the rough grass at edge ov field brings it to me then start playin with it , i was like a kid on christmas morning with a big smile on me face :toast:


second rabbit sam again turnin it of the hedge a few times then it slips away under the hedge and goes to ground but dog is standing waitin for it to pop back out for a good 4/5 minuits wouldent come straight back to my side as he normaly would, so walks over and i put him back on the slip and let him watch my mates little beddy whippes run a few, last field seen a nice squating rabbit so let him have his 3rd run ov the nightturned it twice and misses it but he is still standing waitin on it comein back out lookin around for it :laugh: the daft bugger,


just thought i would share me night as im over the moon watching me dog comeing alond brom birth to catching his first rabbit :thumbs:



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well had a hours out with just me pup and me mate came along with his beddy whippet, im only givein him 3 slips a night so im not over doin him to young, first rabbit i see is sittin 50 yeards off the

Great to see your own pup coming along. All these numpties that want a ready made dog don't know what they're missing!..

Nice lil pup mate, 3minute run on the lamp seems abit exagerated lol, soz bowt spelling lol, atb shaun

well done mate its great when it all comes together i have a pup thats getting a few runs after xmas hes nearly 7mths old.he killed a sqirral at 5mths old and hes a taste of a few mixy rabbits that the other dogs have caught and he flew straight in on them when we were having a day time mooch but hes never ran one as hes to young hes 26tts and still growing looks like hes going to be some size

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