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most foxes

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come on then lets hear it we all now it is possible to catch 100 + rabbits with 3 dogs because i no people who have done it there selves. but how many foxes have you took or known people to take in one night pre ban of corse before anyone moans :notworthy: . know i have just started this out of intreast not to start an argument of any kind. now there is not that many foxes round this way but i no a man who has took 8 in one night with his beddy x grey not a massive bag but i would be pleased with that. so lets here it fire away :gunsmilie: all the best wb

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Bloody hell i'd be lucky to see that many fox's in one night. Never mind getting that many. The most i have seen i think it was 11 but there was a hell off alot of miles covered. The mate shot one and missed one that he should'nt have. He knows who he is! :feck:

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most i`ve ever heard of is 17 foxes in the night with 4 dogs this was a few seasons since and same lads have had double figures on at least 3 occasions last season i was out on one of the occasions and it was december time so before people start moaning they weren`t all young daft cubs :notworthy:

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8 foxes in a night . - "not a massive bag" Seems like a lot to me. :hmm:



seems like alot to me aswell but in areas were the fox population is though the roof you will be able to get some good bags of foxes in one night.. :yes:



anyone watched the warrener film aint sure witch one it is but i think he is running 2 dogs i think! not sure at at the end he says i will not tell you how many we had that night i wudent mind knowing :notworthy:

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Guest oldskool

i cant speak for the whole of the country but numbers like that in one night in my area are maybe only possible for a month or so at the start of the season... after that, most of them dont hang about long once the light finds them... a wee lad i used to keep lurchers with took 23 foxes in one night with a rifle last year... to be fair to him it was sheep country and very necessary but still, an area only holds that sort of numbers for a short period and after that your lucky if you see one that is still green enough to come to a call or anything for that matter :) ... i do recall a very stormy night when we lifted 5 with 2 dogs (gsdxgrey and a colliexgrey) out of a vehicle... comin upon them by surprise seems to be the only way when in mid season... few calls will work IMO

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