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wanted big black patt pup.

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well about a hour after i posted on this thread yesterday i got a call of my mate in the uk who was holding the pup till i chuld get him over (yoda) he said he not looking well atall seems stiff and cant move i called the most knoladgeable person i no in uk with working dogs he said bring him up quick so my freind abandond his christmas dinner with the famm and got on the motorway he got ther and was told it was his respiritry system and dehydrated hes struggaling to brethe he was given antibiotics vitiamines and somthing to block his stomach to keep him hydrated my freind sat with him all night feeding him sugar water frew a syringe and he passed away at 5 this morniing gutted is a understatement i lostt a pup a few weeks earlier to the same condition but i only had the other pup 40 hours and it passed away this being the reason i got this pup,, now i thought the first pup i got had come to us with a desise but the rest of the litter are fine and the pup what died yesterday was in fine condition when we got him a few weeks previous and in fine condition the day before he died the only thing i can think of is the house my freind has moved into 6 months ago is riddled with a desise before he moved in as hes pup got ill when he first moved in but recoverd pretty quick after taking him to the same man as this time i feel so bad for the 2 pups what have died in my care i cant get my head around it as the lad who minds them is spot on he my best freinds little brother has worked for me for years and is like famlie he is a clean living gym freak he has his pup and my pup in a bed at the side of the fire in the living room of his house and they go for a walk after his morning jog evryday then he puts them in the conservatory and goes to work when he comes home ther let in the garden for a bit then back into the living rom were they stay at night i chuld understand if they was left in a pissy kennle or treted bad but ther not all my dogs are kept as pets in the house f****n gutted anyone got any idears as to what the fucks goin on ???? one think for sure that house is gone soon as the esate agents open first of january i feel bad coz i never got him here sooner but it was so close to xmas even offerin a grand to my mates to bring him diddent help i paid for a passport renewal for my cusin to bing him n he put me off till begginin of january coz he got 3 kids f****n gutted am

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he went from a strong fine healthy livley pup to dead in 24 hour,, gutted was getting reports on this pup evry few days he was a little terrorist into evrything was proper looking forwards to meeting him my mate who he was for here is ill with it the first 2 pups hes ever owned died before he got to see them said hes not even gonna get into it now and is taking it as a sign any one got a idear as to what is happening the only thing i can think of is the new house is riddled

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he only lived there for 6 months if that, his dog got ill the first month ov it going there ther but is a bit older and pulled threw we thought nothing of it the second one died within 40 hours of it going there we put it down to being a weak pup as it was quiet small but this ones been there for a few weeks and was no way shape or form a weak pup it was in perfect condition up untill the day it died

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yano what bud ime gonna resherch the health section for some info coz google serches u never no whos writing it or what to belive nothing i do can bring him back and not another dog will go to that house i just need to brush up on my knoladge on the illness side of it as its took me by suprise i never thought this whuld happen to me as the are jabed kept indoors and are treated well i was naive and thought this was a countrymans dogs desise biggest learning curve ive had upto date with the terriers

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