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ferret with a tick


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I have found a tick on my ferret near her head. I have pulled it out with twezers with out thinking but I think I have left some parts in. Can someone give me some advice I use cat spot on for them. I will be bathing her wound in salt water. Any advice would be great ta tom

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I would not pull them out, i cover the tick in vaseline. It smothers them so they let go, so no head left in. Might take an hour or so but it will work.


Here we go,, !


Do not listen to the above advise for fecks sake,,


Have a read here




As for now,, just keep the area clean and look for signs of infection. Use a mild antiseptic cream on the area where the head was left in.


And read the above for future events.

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I have read the above link that is why I have now ordered a tick tool. I have bathed it in salt water and will do for the next week or so. Would sudicream work? Also would you advise a trip to the vets tomorrow it was them that sugested the tweezers

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insect bite cream works when they are in your leg cos thats what i did years ago and it fell off,i spotted it after driving 100 odd miles to go fishng so when no one knew what to do i covered it in it and went fishing ,end of the day let dog out of the car for a pee and it brushed it off, anti,s at the docs just in case..

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I would not pull them out, i cover the tick in vaseline. It smothers them so they let go, so no head left in. Might take an hour or so but it will work.


Here we go,, !


Do not listen to the above advise for fecks sake,,


Have a read here




As for now,, just keep the area clean and look for signs of infection. Use a mild antiseptic cream on the area where the head was left in.


And read the above for future events.

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I would not pull them out, i cover the tick in vaseline. It smothers them so they let go, so no head left in. Might take an hour or so but it will work.


Here we go,, !


Do not listen to the above advise for fecks sake,,


Have a read here




As for now,, just keep the area clean and look for signs of infection. Use a mild antiseptic cream on the area where the head was left in.


And read the above for future events.



I know loads of people that do this on their dogs, ferrets etc.




What this does, is stress the tick by suffocating it, this can cause the tick to void it`s contents back into the host, increasing the risk of infection and transmition of disease.


The way I always put it is like this,


would you do the same if your child had a tick ? Nope,, then don`t do it just because it`s a ferret.

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Good man,, it`s just fair to the ferrets that you minimise the risk.


As to the OP, just keep it clean and I`m sure it will be fine, buying an otom is a must with dogs and ferrets,


Theres plenty good info on here, but you have to watch out for some funny ideas,, vaseline is a common one, but is far from the worst, there are a few on here that use lit fags, glue, petrol ! you name it.. common sense is all you need



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got an o'tom tick remover for a fiver at a fair. seen the damage these ticks can do and wifes uncle contracted lymes desease from a tick!


use this remover only once but its in the tool box should i need it. then im safe in the knowledge ive removed it correctly.


heres the tick remover on the BADA website. 5.50 posted for peace of mind :thumbs:





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