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why do some dogs eat dogshit, i noticed the pup had a big dump in his run this morning when i got up but when i went out an hr later it had gone,why does the dirty bxxxxxd do this, is it because it still has a palatable smell, they are all fed the same, cooked rabbit/hare/chicken/beefmince/lambmince and 3 times a week they get a cheap complete meal, with 3 tins of sardines in tomato sauce shared between the 6 of them, they also have wheatgerm (vit B ) and ground seaweed ocassionally, some one said he was probably lacking something, but surely if he wasnt getting that something first time around i'd doubt he'd be getting the fecker the 2nd time round... ANY HELP APRECIATED..,.HF :signthankspin:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:clapper:This eternal riddle raises its ugly head again, eh? :laugh:


Hairy; I've encountered this down the years and have 'suffered' it too ~ believe me, a f*cking Dog fetching such a snackette into ye own home to devour at leasure is no joke either!


Thus I've spent some Real quality time researching it. Know what? No man or woman alive appears to Really know why they do it.


You'll get, " Oh, it's this. " or " It's that. " B*llocks. I'm yet to find an answer that fits across the board, no matter how self rightous and omnipotent sounding the delivery of such nuggets of self assured knowledge. Maybe it's a combination of things then? Things which we simply can't understand, and are too full of ourselves to face the fact of the matter?


Then there's the 'Remedies'. Everything from Tabassco to Lemon juice. See above. Grow out of it? I've stood and personally watched adult Dogs doing it!


It's like the old one about " Dogs don't need vegetable matter because some scientist realised they avoid the stomach contents of their larger, herbivorous prey ". Oh, really? Well, perhaps that scientist would like to spend a day here, trying to push a wheelbarrow full of pure donkey shit past my lot without them trying to fall upon it like ~ dare I say it? A Pack of f*cking Wolves! :rofl:


I think the only truly acceptable and unequivecal answer might be something along the lines of: ' Some Dogs just Like eating shit! ' :laugh:


Now watch out for some more gems of " Fact " regarding the matter :D

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Guest foxtrack

well hears a gem of fact for you ditch,mind you its my oppinion.

dogs that get fed a por type of diet dont seem able to absorb all the goodnes in theyre food

before it passes through them.

and return to eat thier shit the same way that rabbits do

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I think with foals if they eat there own shit its a lack in vitamins or somthing of them lines, so could it be the same with dogs?

I read somewhere some time that foals eat their mothers dung to introduce bacteria to their own gut....logical!...Maybe pups and whelps do it for the same reason!...But, rest assured your pup will grow out of it so don't worry :yes: ...Just don't let the dirty wee feckers lick ya! :cry:

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Guest john the baptist
try it yourself, you may find your answer :laugh:


We have been fed shit for many years already with this feckin government mate :yes: and it doesn't taste very nice. :no:

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brings to mind a funny storymy mate went for a dump in the yard we used to

work out of as there were no toilets he just done it in a quite corner un benone

to him the watch dog had come up behind him and ate the lot so you can imagine

his horror when he turned round to admire his handy work he thought he had shit in

the back of his trousers :whistling:

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Veterinary science has named the condition of dogs eating feces; it's called coprophogy. Talking with a fellow just the other day about his great big dog having "a taste for the turd". I suspect it has a lot to do with the dog being bored, not sufficiently exercised or just plain nasty but I really don't have an answer/cure. Internet should provide some pleasant insight into the condition, etc.

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