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whats the best dog?

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  On 26/12/2012 at 17:09, whippet 99 said:

im going to disagree to a certain exstent ,.......yes there are hard russells ,........yes there are hard patterdales / fells..........

yes there are clever dogs on all breeds ,......but maybe i have not seen enough as ive not been doing much terrier work but the majority of hard dogs i have seen have been patterdales ,.........there is alot of bull blood in the mix ,...............yes there is added bull blood in jack russells ,...............but in the old strain jack russells which are a small breed and havent got no bull blood in ,...hence the size of these little dogs................and they dont tend to be as hard as these patterdales.............

times are changing and you go to a show and look at the jack russell class and there these big muscular dogs with obvious bull blood in and then you will see a old strain jack russell thrown in and it really does look like its in the wrong class..............and of course the big stronger looking russells with obvious alien blood win............

times are changing and so are the strain of russells in my honest opionion and these old strain russells are just small and noisey and bolt foxes ,.............im not saying patterdales wont bolt foxes but you do get some not so hard ones which are used to bolt...............but as a whole and what im saying is every dog is different but i would say the old type russells are not as hard as todays patterdales.............and i would put that down to all the added bull blood..........just my honest opionion

i find the old russells to work clever and i would work this breed to bolt foxes more than patterdales but i have seen good patterdales that just yap and work well to bolt foxes.......

but i will stand by my exspereince and say that patterdales are generally a harder dog than your old russell type dogs.............. :yes:

Thats because a lot of the bigger more muscular russells that you see at shows theses days are white lakeys and thats why they are harder than your older Russell types.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A jack Russell isn't hard there bolting dogs. These white dogs that are hard types have bull and lakey in them. whippet 99 bull blood is not the only blood that makes terriers hard. fell type dogs are hard dogs for killing in the rocks. Patterdales , borders , lakeys are hard dogs without bull blood added.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 23/12/2012 at 14:23, GK01 said:

I am a young lad and interested in earth dogs, i was just wondering what people thought was the best breed for both ratting and bolting foxes.

any terrier thats not head strong will be a good dog to start off with :thumbs:

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Some total shite on here regarding how hard pat's are and how russels only bolt a fox bla bla bla ..... Im not disputing the pats working ability more disagreeing with the generalisation that white dogs are soft little yappers lol.

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  On 23/12/2012 at 18:27, Work them hard said:


  On 23/12/2012 at 16:12, 'Ben1' said:

If your wanting your dog to bolt the foxes you dont want a too headstrong breed like patterdales, id recommend a russel mate good all rounders


Some russels are more headstrong than patts, I don't really think it matters too much as to what breed it is, most important is its from good working stock.

depends what strain ,..................alot of these modern russells are huge with obvious alien blood in them and usually bull ..........

the small type old strain russells make great bolting dogs

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I have had all breeds of terrier mate! Just trying to find the right breed for me!, then my mate got me a wee Russell bitch, would of saved alot of time and money if i had if got her at the start lol. My opinion is most pats around have a lot if bull blood in them, so they just charge in and go to town, then after the day they are of to the sick bay, I like a terrier with abit if brain and not all skull, nice to work ur terrier again and again, so research first mate that's where I slipped up, font even know how to put a pic of her up or I would.

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