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Aye Napier.


Don't be tempted to use the Ann summers or durex gear from the wife's nicker draw. It's NOT the same stuff


Napier for guns

Ann summers for bums



Feck that's where I've been going wrong


Going wrong with what Kev??


Don't tell us you have been using Napier on your lass

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Well, I tried washing, lubing an pellet sizing, and il stick to just the pellet sizing, it got down to 1fps variation over 15-20 shots with the h&n, without sizing it was about 6-8 fps difference, and then BAM, back to 1-2fps variation,I couldn't believe it tbh. It was with a combro though, so how reliable it is I don't know, but its bloody accurate, an really good on air lol

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Well, I tried washing, lubing an pellet sizing, and il stick to just the pellet sizing, it got down to 1fps variation over 15-20 shots with the h&n, without sizing it was about 6-8 fps difference, and then BAM, back to 1-2fps variation,I couldn't believe it tbh. It was with a combro though, so how reliable it is I don't know, but its bloody accurate, an really good on air lol


did you notise any diference downrange? at 80 yards i did lol.

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