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Do we do the anti's work for them??

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I read a post on here a while ago cant remember who wrote it, but it has made me think. It was along the lines of we (working terrier/lurcher folk) have accepted bullx capture dog lads into our ranks and its done more harm to the image of field sports than the anti hunt propoganda ever has. Whats youre views, all I know is that every time theres sommat splashed over the paper involving pitt bulls a badger and footage on the accuseds mobile phone, il get a load of negative shitty comments off non hunting mates. Discuss.....

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I don't worry about them sort of things anymore Mainly because were all seen in the same light . People don't see much difference between a bull x with a few marks on him as a patterdale with with a few working marks. To the general public were all nuckle dragging thugs!

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i lost some good permision recently thanks to a gang that went onto the land with 14 dogs and no leads and ran the shit out of the sheep, the farmer i hunt for is bang on but told me to leave it alone this year as his neighbours dont want anymore hunting in the area, they had no permision and ruined some very nice hunting ground for me and free pest control for a decent old farmer.

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Well put paulus..... working dogs has always attracted an element of idiocy. A type of dog cant be held responsable for bad ownership, and bad owners keep all types of dogs, not just working terriers and lurchers, but i am not naieve enough to suggest that all working dog men are sensible, educated and work within the law. The idiots undoubtedly do our sport, and our name as terrier/lurcher enthusiasts a great deal of harm but it is up to us as individuals to go about things the right way, hunt within the law and dont draw attention to ourselves! Sorry to hear about your loss of permission bulljack, it is hard enough to gain good permission without loseing it through no fault of your own!

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Well put paulus..... working dogs has always attracted an element of idiocy. A type of dog cant be held responsable for bad ownership, and bad owners keep all types of dogs, not just working terriers and lurchers, but i am not naieve enough to suggest that all working dog men are sensible, educated and work within the law. The idiots undoubtedly do our sport, and our name as terrier/lurcher enthusiasts a great deal of harm but it is up to us as individuals to go about things the right way, hunt within the law and dont draw attention to ourselves! Sorry to hear about your loss of permission bulljack, it is hard enough to gain good permission without loseing it through no fault of your own!

its not a big deal i have alot more land to hunt but this farmer was genuinely sorry he had to turn me away, we always had a good laugh with this man and he was always happy to see us and real nice place to hunt. but as already said its not bad dogs just bad owners.
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To me I do subscribe to the no bad dogs just bad owners thing, but in all honesty these fools dont use collie x do they. There is somthing about the bullx be it lurcher or terrier that fires there tiny brains. Its a regular thing that il be in a boozer and a friend of some friends prick mate will come over when they hear us talking dogs/hunting try to show me a video on his mobile of about three bull types tearing up a fox or badger. And then il end up telling em it doesnt impress and to leave my company rapidly!

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there has always been idiots in the game, only difference is now the press and anti`s use it to there full advantage. bull cross or collie cross an idiot will still be an idiot :thumbs:

And my area has more than its fair share. :yes:
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i honestly think that yes we do do the antis work for them not just the lads with bull xs but the lads who take photos of terriers in peices or terriers ragging quarry anyone whos done abit of digging knows what goes on we dont need photos of quarry being ragged banded about. alot of it will have been shot but put that picture on an antis website with a bit of their bull shit and thats aload more folks turned against our sport. its also become a lot easier for braindead city chavs to get in to terriers all you need is a bit of cash these days theres allways dogs forsale a collar and box and a shovell from the local builders merchants these young lads have no respectfor land owners or permission its just park up and crack on to them. ive recently heard of some lads who dug next to a footpath no permission ripped the quarry out with 4bullxs and then put photos all over face book of the dog in bits with the head being posotioned so you can see the knocks it took and the lurchers stood there all blooded up with lads in trainers and trackies on holding them. theres alot of damage been done to the sport by these types of lads. i regularly get told by my farmers and keepers not to torment the quarry just dig down and shoot or let run and i assure them that ive never once used a lurcher whilst digging and regularly invite them to watch so i can proove myself. we all know dogs will take the odd knock or more whilst working but holding the terriers to show it off in my opinion is one of the worst things you can do. ive got a bitch who looks like shes been having pillow fights all her life hardly a mark on her but would gladly use her infront of anybody. i think that the lads who have respect for the quarry should join together and try to stamp out these idiots who have joined the game. i dont mean to sound big headed or to try and lecture ive not been digging very long only 5 seasons tops but i was taught what i belive to be the right way and allways try to project that when i meet other folks. i could quite happlky sit outside an earth and watch a vixen feed cubs and leave her be where as some lads ive spookt to tell me they use this oppourtunity to bring on young dogs and let the lurchers pull them to peices dont get me wrong i have dug cubs for keepers but dont enjoy it. sorry for the rant its just a subject i hold dear trying to improove myself and to show other terrierlads that i always try my best to improove the face of the working terrier scene.

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i honestly think that yes we do do the antis work for them not just the lads with bull xs but the lads who take photos of terriers in peices or terriers ragging quarry anyone whos done abit of digging knows what goes on we dont need photos of quarry being ragged banded about. alot of it will have been shot but put that picture on an antis website with a bit of their bull shit and thats aload more folks turned against our sport. its also become a lot easier for braindead city chavs to get in to terriers all you need is a bit of cash these days theres allways dogs forsale a collar and box and a shovell from the local builders merchants these young lads have no respectfor land owners or permission its just park up and crack on to them. ive recently heard of some lads who dug next to a footpath no permission ripped the quarry out with 4bullxs and then put photos all over face book of the dog in bits with the head being posotioned so you can see the knocks it took and the lurchers stood there all blooded up with lads in trainers and trackies on holding them. theres alot of damage been done to the sport by these types of lads. i regularly get told by my farmers and keepers not to torment the quarry just dig down and shoot or let run and i assure them that ive never once used a lurcher whilst digging and regularly invite them to watch so i can proove myself. we all know dogs will take the odd knock or more whilst working but holding the terriers to show it off in my opinion is one of the worst things you can do. ive got a bitch who looks like shes been having pillow fights all her life hardly a mark on her but would gladly use her infront of anybody. i think that the lads who have respect for the quarry should join together and try to stamp out these idiots who have joined the game. i dont mean to sound big headed or to try and lecture ive not been digging very long only 5 seasons tops but i was taught what i belive to be the right way and allways try to project that when i meet other folks. i could quite happlky sit outside an earth and watch a vixen feed cubs and leave her be where as some lads ive spookt to tell me they use this oppourtunity to bring on young dogs and let the lurchers pull them to peices dont get me wrong i have dug cubs for keepers but dont enjoy it. sorry for the rant its just a subject i hold dear trying to improove myself and to show other terrierlads that i always try my best to improove the face of the working terrier scene.

Well said.
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We are,unfortunately,in a no win situation,even the good honest posts will be twisted and doctored to suit the views of an ignorant minority,that has the eyes and ears of an ignorant majority.Im the first to stand by my right and freedom to hunt as my father and his fathers did,well most of what they possibly got up to,hunting with dogs,guns,nets,rods etc. should not be restricted because of the views of anti hunters,but it is and always will be now.Keep the posts clean and positive,hunt as the law or unseeing eyes allow,consider the views of others and disguise your sport to be more acceptable to others,no matter how much it twists the guts to do so.Keep at it and feck em.

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