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feeding ferrets

Guest Walsher

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Guest little_lloyd

Magpies,Crows,Jays, Squiirels sometimes rabbits/pheasants,Dried food/dog/cat occasionly B) D


Rabbits and Pheasants sometimes. A rabbit would be too good to waste so only young ones ive shot go to them and only pheasants which have been shot to bits and what i coulndt eat/sell myself. :thumbs:



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Bread and milk isnt a very good diet for a ferret mate :no:


Feed fresh rabbit/pigeon/chicken/pheasant/etc as much as possible. And failing that you could always feed dry ferret food. Meat is best but dry food is still a lot better than bread and milk.

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Bread and milk is NOT good for ferrets: they are carnivores. It's a bit like the old advice to give hedgehogs bread and milk: people just didn't know any better in those days. Ferrets fed on bread and milk alone will be severely defficient in all the nutrients found in meat, which is their natural diet: a bit of milk every now and again won't hurt though. ANY sort of meat is better than bread and milk.

Ours get mainly rabbit, and if we ever run out they get the chicken carcases we get off the butcher for the dogs. Even fed a whole adult fox to two litters of kits and their mothers a couple of times: polished the whole thing off in 24 hours!

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Guest Walsher

A half slice of bread and some milk every day is what I feed it keeps them nice and thin and I Have caught 40 and 50 rabbits more than once with them :) When they kill they move on :yes: i also put an whipped up egg with some cod liver oil alot off the time....

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Mostly rabbits but also pigeons, crows, rooks,fish heads and tails,all natural :yes:




Never been able to see the value to feeding a ferret bread and milk.

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A half slice of bread and some milk every 2 days is what I feed it keeps them nice and thin and I Have caught 40 and 50 rabbits more than once with them :) When they kill they move on :yes:



Well it would seem you made your mind up before asking then. But one thing is for sure your ferrets will do a lot better on meat than on bread and milk anyday. Why do you think they have the teeth they do? For killing and eating animals. If they were meant to live on mushy bread they would just need bloody gums.


No wonder they are skinny they probably have no bloody muscle.

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Ferretlove i bet you have never been ferreting you just like to read about ferrets and keep fat pet ones :no::gunsmilie:



Whatever gives you that idea lad :hmm:

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