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"Can 'The Ton' be done? "

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  On 22/12/2012 at 22:43, Bluebell h said:

They run like most rabbits with a dog behind it .no body local controls them.cracking place .





Yeah but I have seen what I would class easy rabbits, sitting ducks. Then on the other hand, some that are ninja six sence rabbits :laugh:


What are the feilds like large flat, sand dunes ,small padocks with stone walls ?? Would say the golf course ones would as on any golf course flyers ??

Edited by Giro
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I’ve loved lamping for as long as I can remember and there’s nothing better than lamping with good mates. When I was told about some new ground where the farmers were desperate for some help to contro

as daz sed all went to feed the dogs none of this bumping the crap. no taking the piss out of the fat mincer lol

Well done to the guys for getting off their arse, travelling and getting in among it, but, when your catching numbers like this then they're not running like your average rabbit. I've never taken the

  On 22/12/2012 at 22:46, chadd said:


on the farmed golf courses not as easy as the rough tufty ground some hit, :laugh:


ferreting well surely they will let you know as the lads had and used the ferrets, :laugh:

shooting well they sat there i dont use a gun :bye:


brick read the next post down we will go on the ruff tuffty grass to make it easer for the dogs but the banks will kill a guy that as forgot wat his legs are for carring 30/40 big rabbits

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  On 22/12/2012 at 22:48, Giro said:

Yeah but I have seen what I would class easy rabbits, sitting ducks. Then on the other hand, some that are ninja six sence rabbits :laugh:


What are the feilds like large flat, sand dunes ,small padocks with stone walls ?? Would say the golf course ones would as on any golf course flyers ??


ye thinkin of a roadtrip giro :hmm:

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come on under one of your meny names mark and lets get it done your are a wealthy man that says he dose not need work so you got no reason not to get it done first black week in the new year me and you. come out of the landy and you comfet zowen im not go

to help your ego buy running this on season after season first black week in new year.did you not miss a big match the other day

start a post some were ells about that id like to now how it went rong as the weather as been so go

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Well done to the guys for getting off their arse, travelling and getting in among it, but, when your catching numbers like this then they're not running like your average rabbit.

I've never taken the figure mentioned in the time scale mentioned, but, I have caught decent bags, say thirty to forty a night, for as long as the weather holds up to a fortnight usually stopping when it became nigh on impossible to carry/transport them. The self same dogs who could put forty rabbits away on certain ground in a respectable time would toil to catch half of that on other ground in a full night. So at the risk of being petty it stands to reason the rabbits must be a bit less educated and easier.

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  On 22/12/2012 at 21:47, dazzz said:
  On 22/12/2012 at 21:18, chadd said:

oh 1st time ever you admitted ferrets and read your old posts you mention 4 nights lamping liers have to have good memorys and we know the truth as it was the same hostel we all stayed in


Posted 20 September 2012 - 04:46 PM

just been having an interesting read and its funny how folk make so many assumptions WITHOUT knowing ANY of the facts,

for the lads who say it's boring then feel free to go read the post's about let's see your dog's fecking collar and to the knockers

it makes you wander if it's worht the time and effort to do a long post with pic's for some to enjoy.


the 3 lads where myself Prich and Dave lloyd, me and Dave had a dog each Pritch took 2, we all lamped alone and never was there

more than 1 dog 1 rabbit at anyone time.

this is my dogs catch from 3 nights...........4 hours and a very hard 39 on golf course

5 hours and 62 perfect night and better land

2 hours 26 this was the easiest land of the lot but didnt have time left for any more

the dog had more left but the 14amp went on the 1 st 2 nights and believe it or not out of the 127 only 5 where taken in the seat.

all the bags where 1 man 1 dog including carring and gutting


now make of that what you will we know it's true and im to fecked to argue



  On 22/12/2012 at 21:53, chadd said:

No mention of guns ferrets or how easy they where/


what about the 3 people 4 dogs yes and that works out 26 per dog inmy book without a ferret or shot being fired we know,

listen BRICK you aint welcome on here or any other site worth it's salt so crawl back under your stone, we dont need to justify ourselves

to a fool like you, if you read above ive just proven you wrong AGAIN as your the thickest bloke ive ever known.


how can you even comment when you and your dog's cant run anywhere outside of cornwall before you critisise again get yourself off your fat arse

and do the journey yourself like us and the other lads did THEN YOU CAN COMMENT, do that journey deserves credit on it's own regarless off the bag!!!!!!!!

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  On 22/12/2012 at 23:13, bigdaz said:

Well done to the guys for getting off their arse, travelling and getting in among it, but, when your catching numbers like this then they're not running like your average rabbit.

I've never taken the figure mentioned in the time scale mentioned, but, I have caught decent bags, say thirty to forty a night, for as long as the weather holds up to a fortnight usually stopping when it became nigh on impossible to carry/transport them. The self same dogs who could put forty rabbits away on certain ground in a respectable time would toil to catch half of that on other ground in a full night. So at the risk of being petty it stands to reason the rabbits must be a bit less educated and easier.

thats a sensible post mate all i will say and ive probably said it before is, it wasnt the easiest place i have run rabbits BUT if your

dog can do regular 30-40's then ive no doubt they would surpass that on this place and would of matched what my dog did ive no doubt,

as would Giro's, infact anyone who has a half decent dog would (IF FIT and i mean fit) fill there boot's. no one has said our dog's are better than

anyone elses but we got the dogs fit and ready we did the VERY LONG journey and thats even before the hard work of carrying that many.

the bloke who's doing most of the knocking hasnt even been.


Shaun of derby said he did the ton with his dog and i have no reason not to believe him as his dog is meant to be very handy,ask him how hard it is if i remember he had a lad helping to carry em and i dont blame him.

ernlad said he did it on his own like Lloydy did and in his words where it wasnt enjoyable and he would be in no rush to do it again, i think that say's it all really, then we get markthetitbrick knocking it, all i will say is DO IT YOURSELF FAT ARSE

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111 gaff 38 a think mates dog , It took sum carrying and a wish I had help with carrying them only to dogs and too ruck sacks was took for sum reason lol I had to keep dropping them at the side of the road in piles I'd done 1568 miles round trip was out all night til alf five only me and another lad stuck it other three had anuff at 1 ish so shows how easy it is to do

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