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i've got a 2yr old terrier thats been kenneled out side all his life. but just built some new one's and he keeps pissing on his bedding, he never did this in the old kennel's. I thought at first ok he's marking the kennels, putting his own scent on it,but its every day for the last six month now,The kennel has a big run as well. any idea's :hmm:

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make the bedding box as small as you can, used to have a border bitch do the same i ended up making a new box with a fine mesh floor and no bedding so when she pissed it just went through into the run. i felt sorry for her in winter all the other dogs were snug in box's, but she got used to it in the end. atb sp

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ive been looking on another site , which said the same about makeing the bed area smaller. worth a try. the other kennel i had , all 3 terriers shared one big bedding area no problems.But now he's got his own bed he's pissing in it. So i'll cut it down from a king size to a single and see how he gets on :thumbs:

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