youcanthide...BANG 1,051 Posted December 19, 2012 Report Share Posted December 19, 2012 do any of you think what has happened in america with the school shooting provoke a change in uk gun law? Quote Link to post
j j m 6,564 Posted December 19, 2012 Report Share Posted December 19, 2012 I don't think so Quote Link to post
Rake aboot 4,936 Posted December 19, 2012 Report Share Posted December 19, 2012 It won`t . We have some of the strictest laws in place already. 1 Quote Link to post
barrywhite 282 Posted December 19, 2012 Report Share Posted December 19, 2012 disarming the general public is an ongoing trend encouraged by the people above politicians through out the world .No air guns ,bows or sling shots will be every where in time .America is just another nail .The fact there are far more violent countries than America with less guns .and there are countries with as many guns in the community as America and no violence is ignored .Long term I think the bad press affect us .World wide gun control of the masses is coming all we can do is try to slow it up. Quote Link to post
Sjt657 191 Posted December 19, 2012 Report Share Posted December 19, 2012 No just there's !! One failed shoe bomb attempt and we all take our shoes of at the airport !! 30 odd school shootings in just over a decade and nothing changes ?? Quote Link to post
pianoman 3,587 Posted December 20, 2012 Report Share Posted December 20, 2012 (edited) We are already bound under the most stringent laws on firearms in Europe as it is. I cannot see how much further we can be restricted? It is the turn of the Americans themselves to re-examine their current gun laws. They are a conundrum to me, the American people. They are among the loveliest, friendliest people on earth sometimes. And yet, they can be utterly, ruthlessly at odds with themselves. America will NEVER give up it's demands to have the right to bear arms. "From my cold dead hands" is the battle-cry of the National Rifle Association and their ideal to carry a firearm in the defence of the American people is the mark of 'True Patriotism'. Even the murder of 20 little ones and 6 others, including the gunman has still not left the gun-owning parent feeling that perhaps now is the time to re-examine what their precious 2nd Amendment actually says. The 2nd Amendment was in effect the right to bear arms as a demand of the founding fathers of the United States when we withdrew from America, giving them independance. In essence, the 2nd Amendment decrees they have the right to defend themselves with the formation of regimented combat units of armed militia as a recognised national Army. a Navy and, latterly, an Air Force, drawn and recruited from the American citizenry. It did not say that each and every citizen could go stockpiling all the firepower and ammo they want under one roof! But that is how it has come to be read. This is now firmly enshrined in their psychology as a God-given right and they will fight for that right, to the death. I have already had one blazing row with American friends on my Facebook. They clearly prize their firearms over everything. They are utterly convinced their homes and families could be attacked by assailants of every type and the collapse of civilisation is only any time away and they should be defend themselves with the utmost lethal force. As long as they believe this to be, they will never surrender so much as a pea shooter. Not without a hell of a fight. The real irony of the Americans is they do not have a sense of the irony in the situation they have created. It is the oft-stated belief that the right to carry a gun has given them freedom from tyranny. What they have yet to grasp, is that the very right to arms they swear by, has created the genuine tyranny of fear they clearly live under. Pianoman Edited December 20, 2012 by pianoman 1 Quote Link to post
Elmer_Fudd 28 Posted December 20, 2012 Report Share Posted December 20, 2012 Well we are becoming more Americanised as times go on and on this is a fact not a statment. The correlation between legally owned guns and illegally owned guns I would like to see, as I think it would prove that, laws only punish the law abiding citizens. A career criminal, mad man, gang violent organization is not fussed with laws. Coupled also to the fact that the amount of guns in America now, the supply from south American and other counties would make trying to control the already over flowing guns available impossible. Even should they succeed (hope they do) it only will have wider implications, more people in prisons to become the next career criminal, home invasion were weapons are the target and more profitable black markets. As about the Americans see this RIGHT as a symbol of their absolute patriotism to the stars & stripes. I do to reference the original point think laws in the UK will change but because this no, because money or other motivations possibly. ATB GAZ Quote Link to post
barrywhite 282 Posted December 20, 2012 Report Share Posted December 20, 2012 shooting 26 people is not a good thing .to use how can you justify argument .I will think more children have died on the roads in america since this shooting .there are more small arms on the planet than kill more people than guns each year.I have never owned a car I know a lot of people who dont own cars .Car as far I am concerned are a convenience how can a private ownership of car be justified if they kill more people than can a car be justified on british roads when it can exceed 70 mph.If a shop sold cars that reach 69 mph only next door to a shop who s cars reached 200 mph .if the cars cost the same which shop would sell the most cars even if the buyers new that car kill more people a year than guns ....this is all hype to disarm the american public Quote Link to post
j j m 6,564 Posted December 20, 2012 Report Share Posted December 20, 2012 Just saw on the news some of the children's funerals it was horrific what happened to these children,I don't know how there parents will cope my heart goes out to them 1 Quote Link to post
Elmer_Fudd 28 Posted December 20, 2012 Report Share Posted December 20, 2012 Well said jjm, as a new dad I feel very much. 1 Quote Link to post
pianoman 3,587 Posted December 20, 2012 Report Share Posted December 20, 2012 The funerals have been harrowing to watch. This is Christmas. It's the time for families to celebrate with their children and their relatives to come together. It's the time of year that makes this massacre all the more poignant. Those families and parents are now condemned to spending every remaining Christmas they have in their lives, reliving and remembering this one where/when their child was murdered. I cannot begin to imagine what that must be like. Quote Link to post
Elmer_Fudd 28 Posted December 20, 2012 Report Share Posted December 20, 2012 My nan always said before her death, no parent should out live their child. That said I hope the families can make sure they don't let this boy destroy the future. Gaz 1 Quote Link to post
jackinbox99 41 Posted December 21, 2012 Report Share Posted December 21, 2012 Tightening their gun laws will make no difference at all. You only have to look at countries which have very tight laws already and its made no difference to gun crime or murders. In all fairness, Americans dont have to ban guns etc... all they need to do is to insist that gun owners keep their guns securely locked away. What an earth was the mother thinking letting her kid have access to her guns in the first place. Had she kept them securely locked away and the keys hidden he`d never have been able to get his hands on them. Thats not to say that he couldnt have legally applied for his own license & bought his own guns however.... Quote Link to post
jackinbox99 41 Posted December 21, 2012 Report Share Posted December 21, 2012 Assault weapons "flying off the shelves" in gunshops around america as a result of this shooting! As Americans "stock up". Quote Link to post
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