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Lostprophets .......... More nonces?

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Aye, I did..........there was an old boy round my way and a couple of 14/15 year old girls used to go round and do jobs for him and get a bit of pocket money, then one of the sad bitches said he touch

Yeah you already said....   Put their fcking heads on sticks or brand them.   I hope all these arrests give any adult who was abused as a kid the courage that they will actually be very possibly l

what the f**k is wrong with the world, is no body normal. i'm genuinely disgusted by all this recent outtings of "celebs" a kiddy fiddlers. society as a group must stand together and demand that thes

where did ya get that info from ?


The link that strong stuff posted on page 1.

i cant see anything blair related on there?


Read through it properly FFS


keep your hair on!,

got it now, the 2nd link on page 1. :thumbs:

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http://www.seancopla...line_search.htm here look whats running our country gordon browns a f****n nonce aswell :icon_eek: look under sex offenders register on the left of the page..

i think most of they stories should start "One upon a time".....ffs!!


The media love a good story though, true or not!!

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http://www.seancopla...line_search.htm here look whats running our country gordon browns a f****n nonce aswell :icon_eek: look under sex offenders register on the left of the page..

i think most of they stories should start "One upon a time".....ffs!!


The media love a good story though, true or not!!

Ive just been saying the very same thing on another thread.
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http://www.seancopla...line_search.htm here look whats running our country gordon browns a f****n nonce aswell :icon_eek: look under sex offenders register on the left of the page..

i think most of they stories should start "One upon a time".....ffs!!


The media love a good story though, true or not!!

Ive just been saying the very same thing on another thread.


We're just so alike :air_kiss:

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http://www.seancopla...line_search.htm here look whats running our country gordon browns a f****n nonce aswell :icon_eek: look under sex offenders register on the left of the page..

i think most of they stories should start "One upon a time".....ffs!!


The media love a good story though, true or not!!

Ive just been saying the very same thing on another thread.


We're just so alike :air_kiss:

Ahhh....ive never thought of myself as an annoying little english c**t before.........got me thinking!!.......... :laugh:
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http://www.seancopla...line_search.htm here look whats running our country gordon browns a f****n nonce aswell :icon_eek: look under sex offenders register on the left of the page..

i think most of they stories should start "One upon a time".....ffs!!


The media love a good story though, true or not!!

Ive just been saying the very same thing on another thread.


We're just so alike :air_kiss:

Ahhh....ive never thought of myself as an annoying little english c**t before.........got me thinking!!.......... :laugh:


:laugh: rather be that than a big fat ginger jock freak with shit craic :bye::boogy:

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