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Fox hanging by a leg

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Had a quik wander last night round the fields by my house for some ferret food, and came across this poor fecker hanging by his leg,, one of those occasions when they have missed timed there jump,,


I had a quik look and there were 3 strands of wire ,,, and could I feck get it off,,now I know I should have finished it off,,, but I just couldn't help feeling sorry for it,,, and to be honest I was sure its leg wasn't broken. So cos I was only 200 yard from my house I nipped home for some wire cutters,


Soi sniped the wire and released it, I know I'm a soft c**t , but it didn't seem a fair way for the poor fecker to die, a shot from a rifle, from a hunter yes,, a lurcher yes, or terrier men on a dig yes,,, but not like that , or being run over.


Well he fecked off sharp,, although he was hobbling , I just hope it wasn't more serriouse , like ligament damage,, or I. Proberbly did the wrong thing.





I true sportsman, nice one tomo :clapper:

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Had a quik wander last night round the fields by my house for some ferret food, and came across this poor fecker hanging by his leg,, one of those occasions when they have missed timed there jump,,

Isn't it strange how human compassion kicks in ? If that fox was running into the squeak, there'd be no second thoughts about slipping the dog.... but when it's hung up and helpless, most of us would

I think you underestimate how stupid some of the hunting fraternity is skycat. Not only would some slip there dogs on it while it hang there..... They'd film it too and come on here pleading for money

I can mind once out lamping and finding a bull hanging from a fence :D well not exactly hanging. He'd been eating the grass on the other side of the fence, pushed the fence down, steeped over and the fence has sprung up lodging under his midriff...... Needless to say I left it :laugh: and informed the farmer

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No, what you should have done is eaten your spinach and just gone and lifted him off, using the reassuring age old bull-whispering technique to keep him calm:

nice bully boy, easy now etc etc :tongue2: :tongue2: or ..... maybe just tickled his tackle: that might have had the desired effect! Bull leaps skywards ..or not, :hmm:

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:laugh: skycat. Trust me, when you hear a noise 20 yards awayin the dark and shine a light on it and a ton of bull is staring at you..... Lets just say, you have a bowel movement :D all turned out good though, I was poaching at the time and when I told the farmer and he asked what I was doing there..... He gave me permission :D
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Incase anyone finds a bull in this situation ill tell you how the farmer got it off the fence..... He was only a wee c**t, about a 147...... Picture the scene..... Half way up a hill, no sanctuary with sprinting distance for usain bolt..... Me, farmer, bull all staring each other out..... He farmer starts whacking it on the nose!!!! I'm like, f**k me, what have I done..... I'm writing my last will and testimony...... The bull let out a bellow..... I dropped a load..... Farmer still whacking this monster on the nose...... But it worked :yes: the bull backed off, fence went down and sprung back up infront of it. To say I was relieved...... :tongue2:

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I have come across sika deer in that situation,one was a dead one i seen while lamping with a couple of badgers making use of the meat,and once while out lamping with the whippet i could hear one screaming a couple of fields away ,it was a calf caught up the same way,the hind was in the feild running around it in a panic.I released it and sent it on it;s way,and up in the same place there was a 3 legged stag in the area for a few years,used to see him every morning i was up ferreting,more than likily was caught up in a fence at some stage

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:laugh: reminds me of a joke whippet..... Prostitute on her wedding night doesn't want her new husband to know of her previous occupation. So she tells her husband that she caught her flower on a fence once....... Husband says, don't worry my princess..... They get down to business.... 5 minutes in the husband asks...... When you got caught on the fence, how far across the field were you before you noticed :laugh;
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Had a quik wander last night round the fields by my house for some ferret food, and came across this poor fecker hanging by his leg,, one of those occasions when they have missed timed there jump,,


I had a quik look and there were 3 strands of wire ,,, and could I feck get it off,,now I know I should have finished it off,,, but I just couldn't help feeling sorry for it,,, and to be honest I was sure its leg wasn't broken. So cos I was only 200 yard from my house I nipped home for some wire cutters,


Soi sniped the wire and released it, I know I'm a soft c**t , but it didn't seem a fair way for the poor fecker to die, a shot from a rifle, from a hunter yes,, a lurcher yes, or terrier men on a dig yes,,, but not like that , or being run over.


Well he fecked off sharp,, although he was hobbling , I just hope it wasn't more serriouse , like ligament damage,, or I. Proberbly did the wrong thing.




Them double strand fences are a feckin nuisance and serve no useful purpose
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:laugh: reminds me of a joke whippet..... Prostitute on her wedding night doesn't want her new husband to know of her previous occupation. So she tells her husband that she caught her flower on a fence once....... Husband says, don't worry my princess..... They get down to business.... 5 minutes in the husband asks...... When you got caught on the fence, how far across the field were you before you noticed :laugh;

:laugh: reminds me of a joke whippet..... Prostitute on her wedding night doesn't want her new husband to know of her previous occupation. So she tells her husband that she caught her flower on a fence once....... Husband says, don't worry my princess..... They get down to business.... 5 minutes in the husband asks...... When you got caught on the fence, how far across the field were you before you noticed :laugh;

i think i got the joke and unless im missing something it was rubbish. :laugh:

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Had a quik wander last night round the fields by my house for some ferret food, and came across this poor fecker hanging by his leg,, one of those occasions when they have missed timed there jump,,


I had a quik look and there were 3 strands of wire ,,, and could I feck get it off,,now I know I should have finished it off,,, but I just couldn't help feeling sorry for it,,, and to be honest I was sure its leg wasn't broken. So cos I was only 200 yard from my house I nipped home for some wire cutters,


Soi sniped the wire and released it, I know I'm a soft c**t , but it didn't seem a fair way for the poor fecker to die, a shot from a rifle, from a hunter yes,, a lurcher yes, or terrier men on a dig yes,,, but not like that , or being run over.


Well he fecked off sharp,, although he was hobbling , I just hope it wasn't more serriouse , like ligament damage,, or I. Proberbly did the wrong thing.




Them double strand fences are a feckin nuisance and serve no useful purpose

andrew you do me a cheap by day three pal....... :thumbs:

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Worst i had was a sheep caught up in barbwire ,chapped the farmer up and he came out with me to the sheep , he just took his knife and cut the wool then pulled the wire off it , i always knew that sheep in the flock it was the only one that looked liked it had been sheared in November

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My beagle x jrt did the same thing 2 days ago. Lucky i was only 20 yards away. He jumped the fence ok, his back foot got tangled in the wire and he swung from it screaming his guts out! I ran over and lifted him up, turned him round, pushed him back under the top strand and stood there for 5 minutes untangling the wire from his foot. He knew i was trying to help him so he calmed down and let me get on with it.


Foxes dont think like that, they live by the sword so they "know" your going to kill them. As such they will do their best to bite you if you get to close to their gobs! Lol! Tomo you did the right thing. Iv never encountered any wild animal in this situation. Seen pics of deer.


I would release anything i found like it though. IMO only a callous c**t would put a dog on it.


Unfortunately its the shell suit and baseball cap on the wrong way round, glue sniffing chav, look at me im well ard brigade that get the rest of us a bad name and guarantee the ban will never be lifted.

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