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recall problems

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  On 19/12/2012 at 13:13, Matt3699 said:
  On 19/12/2012 at 13:08, chris87 said:
  On 19/12/2012 at 13:02, baw said:

Chris, you need to learn where your f****n a is on your keyboard :)

h@h@h@ :tongue2: ' w' is fooked so is @ @nd i @m copy @nd p@sting w so tuff s**t till i get @ new l@ptop :victory:






cheers il @v to look into th@t l@ter h@vent time now :victory:
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The dog obviously thinks your a twat! sounds like its a good judge of character

You see kids why you need to watch when buying an adult dog. Nuggets like this might have been 'training' it

Don't think its the dogs ignorance that's to blame here.

  On 19/12/2012 at 12:59, chris87 said:

@s s@id it @ll @bout the bond not the disiplin ( i @lso h@d to le@rn this off here) @nd when you le@rn this it will tot@lly open ur eyes to @ whole different side of ur dog @s did i only 5-6 mnts @go @nd now i couldnt @sk my bitch to be @ny more obidient. be p@tient , t@ke the @dvise off here @nd i promise you it will @ll f@ll into pl@ce. o p.s do some rese@rch on s@lukis @ll the best



Thanks for the advice , and for the rest you've got the wrong ideal , iwhen I sed clip him and dint feed him , I ment a soft but firsm slap on the nose and it was 20 past 1 In the morning , not realy a feeding tim , all good advice but as for given him to [bANNED TEXT] who noes , how did u get to know , ? Every1 has to learn from sumwere , I have a great bond with him he follows me all over listens great [bANNED TEXT] in the house I couldnd ask for. Better dog , its jus SOMETIMES [bANNED TEXT] out he jus takes the piss. I think cause when he was a pup we used to play in the garden and he would chase me with he's toy and I wold chase him , and I think he does this cause he wants to play , wat I should of sed was how do I let him know the difrence betweek play time and seriousness

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It's difficult to teach a puppy not to play because that is all they want to do.


I would start by keeping him on a lead at all times. He's 6 months so you have until September to get his recall and obedience 100% before you start working him. Even get one of those expanding leads and let him run off on that and call him back to you to begin.


I had similar issues with my pup who is heavily saturated with Saluki and she decided she would do what she wants and wont listen. You need a lot of patience and persistence with a lot of dogs. I know how frustrating it can be. The last thing you want to do is stroke your pup after chasing it about a field for an hour. But it's got to be done.

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  On 19/12/2012 at 13:21, bow19 said:
  On 19/12/2012 at 12:59, chris87 said:

@s s@id it @ll @bout the bond not the disiplin ( i @lso h@d to le@rn this off here) @nd when you le@rn this it will tot@lly open ur eyes to @ whole different side of ur dog @s did i only 5-6 mnts @go @nd now i couldnt @sk my bitch to be @ny more obidient. be p@tient , t@ke the @dvise off here @nd i promise you it will @ll f@ll into pl@ce. o p.s do some rese@rch on s@lukis @ll the best



it was 20 past 1 In the morning , not realy a feeding tim ,


So you were hunting with him then??

God help the poor dog.

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  On 19/12/2012 at 13:42, Matt3699 said:

It's difficult to teach a puppy not to play because that is all they want to do.


I would start by keeping him on a lead at all times. He's 6 months so you have until September to get his recall and obedience 100% before you start working him. Even get one of those expanding leads and let him run off on that and call him back to you to begin.


I had similar issues with my pup who is heavily saturated with Saluki and she decided she would do what she wants and wont listen. You need a lot of patience and persistence with a lot of dogs. I know how frustrating it can be. The last thing you want to do is stroke your pup after chasing it about a field for an hour. But it's got to be done.

this is th advice I was looking for thanks alot

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  On 19/12/2012 at 13:43, tsteve9999 said:
  On 19/12/2012 at 13:21, bow19 said:
  On 19/12/2012 at 12:59, chris87 said:

@s s@id it @ll @bout the bond not the disiplin ( i @lso h@d to le@rn this off here) @nd when you le@rn this it will tot@lly open ur eyes to @ whole different side of ur dog @s did i only 5-6 mnts @go @nd now i couldnt @sk my bitch to be @ny more obidient. be p@tient , t@ke the @dvise off here @nd i promise you it will @ll f@ll into pl@ce. o p.s do some rese@rch on s@lukis @ll the best



it was 20 past 1 In the morning , not realy a feeding tim ,


So you were hunting with him then??

God help the poor dog.

no I was jus out with a friend as were on same shift , dogs still need walkin no matter the time

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  On 19/12/2012 at 09:06, bow19 said:

Incompantant owner !! Hu the **** do u think u are !! U haven't got a clue about me or my capabilitys as a dog owner , I've trained my dogs great they do as I say [bANNED TEXT] I say and I know how to train and PLAY with my dogs , its jus this 1 pup he's very dominant , I wasn't asking for critasism I was asking for advice and tbh u sound like uve read a owners manual jus here same shit difrent day, not every dog is the same some rect well to praise and I know a lot that react better when there put in there place

lol that was just the answer i was expecting back, wether ive read a manual or not its the right answer pal wether it be a lurcher or any other breed, ive tried pointing you in the right direction wether or not you take any heed to the advice given thats entirely upto you, youve just told me your capabilities by putting this thread up, and from what ive read it aint much lol i dont wanna get into a slangin match over the internet ok listen to what people say,like ive listened, best way to learn :thumbs:
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  On 19/12/2012 at 15:02, P5HEN said:
  On 19/12/2012 at 09:06, bow19 said:

Incompantant owner !! Hu the **** do u think u are !! U haven't got a clue about me or my capabilitys as a dog owner , I've trained my dogs great they do as I say [bANNED TEXT] I say and I know how to train and PLAY with my dogs , its jus this 1 pup he's very dominant , I wasn't asking for critasism I was asking for advice and tbh u sound like uve read a owners manual jus here same shit difrent day, not every dog is the same some rect well to praise and I know a lot that react better when there put in there place

lol that was just the answer i was expecting back, wether ive read a manual or not its the right answer pal wether it be a lurcher or any other breed, ive tried pointing you in the right direction wether or not you take any heed to the advice given thats entirely upto you, youve just told me your capabilities by putting this thread up, and from what ive read it aint much lol i dont wanna get into a slangin match over the internet ok listen to what people say,like ive listened, best way to learn :thumbs:

fair enought but i jus thaught u were a bit abrupt rather than point me the right direction but you advice has been taken and tbh ill try anything cause when hes off the lead heel walk past me play with me but when i say "come here" he jus runs away [bANNED TEXT] i walk to him and barks its jus anoying when people say i havent bonded with my dog , when they havent a clue about me, ive got a great bond with him , but i feel like he has the feeling hes the dominant 1 and there is no consiquences if he doesnt listen, i dont condone hitting a dog or any animal of such but a tap on the nose give him a idea of right and rong , rather than get on my case id jus like a bit advice of how to tackle the problem

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  On 19/12/2012 at 13:42, Matt3699 said:

It's difficult to teach a puppy not to play because that is all they want to do.


I would start by keeping him on a lead at all times. He's 6 months so you have until September to get his recall and obedience 100% before you start working him. Even get one of those expanding leads and let him run off on that and call him back to you to begin.


I had similar issues with my pup who is heavily saturated with Saluki and she decided she would do what she wants and wont listen. You need a lot of patience and persistence with a lot of dogs. I know how frustrating it can be. The last thing you want to do is stroke your pup after chasing it about a field for an hour. But it's got to be done.

sounds like good advice to me good post takes the patience of a saint some times seems like there is some people on here that do want to help and share experience
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just a bit of advise bud, try scruffing the dog instead of hitting it, and instead of saying come here, try saying heel...and point down...sounds like two simple things, but small things can make a big difference...and dont be ashamed to say your only just starting out...everyones been there and started somewhere...i still know f8ck all...

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try a long line leash for a couple o three weeks, let him get the length of it n give him a shout n if he dont listen give it a tug n make him come te you, give him a treat and make a fuss over him when he responds on his own ie comes threw choice not by you reminding him. a month maybe less n that shud sort him out mate atb

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ive had the same problem with my new dog she had no name so it made worse now what ive done shes turning to b a great dog .she doesnt come back at first when shes at a bit of a distance but when up close and i say back she comes back to me .she nearly got hit by a car a few weeks ago but wasnt my fault she ran down the field and out the gate so wat i do now is when walking on the leadi put the lead on her back and she tinks im still holding it and she stays i do this everytime and watch her when she goes a bit ahead i say back she comes back works really well still takes time but considering she hadnt got a name and she never seen a rabbit and never on the lamp shes turning out to b a good dog

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  On 20/12/2012 at 00:05, fay said:

ive had the same problem with my new dog she had no name so it made worse now what ive done shes turning to b a great dog .she doesnt come back at first when shes at a bit of a distance

but when up close and i say back she comes back to me .she nearly got hit by a car a few weeks ago but wasnt my fault she ran down the field and out the gate so wat i do now is when walking on the leadi put the lead on her back and

she tinks im still holding it and she stays i do this everytime and watch her when she goes a bit ahead i say back she comes back works really well still takes time but considering she hadnt got a name and she never seen a rabbit and never on the lamp shes turning out to b a good dog


Really bad idea having a dog on a lead your not holding. Only takes it to see a squirrel or rabbit and pull, realize it can run. Then you have a dog running trailing a lead, jumps a fence...... I wouldn't advice it Fay.

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