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family trees and old photos

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My sister used ancestry.com but she could only go back to my great nan lol so we didt think much of it .


Yeah a friend of mine has used that worked well for him think it cost though ??

ain't sure tbh mate I would imagine they all cost tho.she just rang me and said she's been on there and couldnt get back past our great nan lol
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i paid for someone to do mine cost me 370 notes and saved a lot of fecking about ... :thumbs: unless you dont mind fecking about ,,


How far did they go back Stig and how good was the Info they gave you on each family member.

Where they lived, occupation , death certs, skeletons in closet ect ?

they went back to 18th cent -- you get all the paper work plenty of skeletons in the closet - i got my dads and all 3 :whistling: grandads army records found out we were from scottish travellers that came down to work the farms --i had all the photos anyway just needed to put them all together gave up myself so me n my brother chipped halfs each .. it was a few year back so probly a bit more now a few companys do it ours all got put together in book form interesting stuff --put it away to pass down ..
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Sounds Great idea Stig, but how would you know if they were correct in what they were telling you and not just saying any old rubbish so to speak.

What was the company who did yours ?

i got cenus forms some photos marriage certs berth certs once its in front of you you can pieace it all together -- i think we paid a fee of around 250 then you pay for copies of paperwork --cant remember her name without looking for the invoice but she was from northampton,,you can do so much yourself libary reg office newspaper arcives army records i just sat down went back as far as i could you can do 3-4 generation with family help .. try it just sit down with a sheet of paper :thumbs:
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Sounds Great idea Stig, but how would you know if they were correct in what they were telling you and not just saying any old rubbish so to speak.

What was the company who did yours ?

i got cenus forms some photos marriage certs berth certs once its in front of you you can pieace it all together -- i think we paid a fee of around 250 then you pay for copies of paperwork --cant remember her name without looking for the invoice but she was from northampton,,you can do so much yourself libary reg office newspaper arcives army records i just sat down went back as far as i could you can do 3-4 generation with family help .. try it just sit down with a sheet of paper :thumbs:

find a company see how much it will cost then speak to other family members and all chip in ...once you got the info be easy to run copies off to divvy up ..
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I did a little bit of asking around in the family to get various dates of births & deaths etc, then worked my way back from there by going to local archives, seeing what records elderly relatives had etc. If you're looking for old photos, try and see what photographic companies were operating in the area back then. Chances are that most families wouldn't be able to afford their own camera pre-war, and that any shots of them would be taken on days out etc. May be worth seeing if the companies are still going, or whether they left an archive someone snapped up.


I've managed to trace Mom's side of my family back to around the 1400's (just when they arrived in the country, details on what they got up to after were somewhat sketchy), and am still working on Dad's side. Thankfully, another distant relative had done a fair bit of digging on one strand of the family & put it all in a website, along with photos. My great-great-great-grandad looked to be a shit-hot keeper (see entry for 26th Nov 1898) http://jeggo.org.uk/charles_gamekeeper.html , and had some superb taste in facial hair.



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A relative in Canada did our family tree a few years back....i haven't seen it but my grandma told me it went back to the 17th century and apparently we came from a rich background in York, most of the 17th century family are buried in a mausoleum in York still and in the 1800s the family moved to Leyburn, then Darlington where my grand parents reside today...my great grandad worked the land for a while then found himself a cushty little office clerk job....then war broke out and he never came back. Think it was the same for everyone though really back then!


What i want to know is, if we were 'rich' where's the money now? :cray:

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