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In need of some tips & hints on retrieving

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Hi people can anybody help me on retrieving recently if been taking my two vizslas out sepporate to make it easier to train . They are both 7 month dog from show background and the bitch from working when I've been taken them out the dog shows amazing potential never fails to make me smile bin throwing the dummy in to some rover cover he is awesome never fails and returns to hand on whistle but my little bitch is a f*** pain runs straight past me anybody know how I can snap them out of it cheers Luke

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Forget Dummies for now with the dog that is not up to scratch.

Without visually assessing the dog myself,the dog appears to be presenting signs of immaturity,so back to the very basic`s for this one.

" LEAD ON " sit dog in front of you.call dog towards you, whistle or name, make it sit,mixing the commands,whistle or hand or sit command. Oh and while we are doing this encourage the dog to rest his chin on your out stretched hand and tickle him,thus sowing the seeds for good delivery. ( Under any circumstances NO TREATS ) !!. When dog is doing this perfectly add another lead and then another and another.

So we now have the dog recalling into you and sitting perfectly in front of you " Next Stage ".


Find an Alley Way,Ginnel or cut ( whatever they call them in your area ) no more than 4 feet wide and obviously block the end off from behind the dog ) repeat the above task without the lead increasing the distance.the dog can`t get passed you Simple !!!

When going into the countryside make use of the ground around you ! using hedges aiding straight lines. Don`t look at a training situation from your way of thinking but from the dogs !!!

With consistency and dedication from yourself you can train a dog that , WON`T make you unpopular at shoots,but bring you heaps of praise for your skill in training it.

An high standard of gundog training can be done in your own back yard/garden.


Most of all, if it can`t do it on the lead then DON`T let it off it.


I would normally charge £80 for that session Ha Ha Ha or Ho Ho Ho but it`s christmas !!!!!!

Edited by camokev64
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Eyup matey


Thankyou for the advise. The dog is no problem even tho he is just a big kid but when it comes to work he brill but its just the bitch she's a pain in arse but yeah I shal give it ago and see what's what I've got a lot of land so I shal be setting something up and ile keep you posted how I get on wish me look haha . Ahhhh don't get me started on Xmas most expensive time of year ide sooner spend money on the muts than anyone else haha

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