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How to shatter someone's self confidence!! (Mind he's not wrong!)

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only went on the one turned up a bit worse for wear (me not her ) she still looked a bit like a bear but i thought well i,m here now ,may as well try at least no taxi home to pay for any way kept gett

She (it!) started on a trainee programme with several others and we were hoping to get one of the lookers on our section but the gods were against us. It came with a fully paid up membership of the ha

One that stands out for me was from back in the old days when i had my nissan micra...went on a first date blind date thing with a lass, when i got there she was a lot more...gingery...than her pictures had suggested. No offense to Mr Lab-spastic but gingers just don't do it for me, especially the proper pasty freckly ones with a bit of timber...anyway i sat through a film with her and she was suggesting we go for a drink afterwards...."aye no bother"...when the film finished she went to the toilet, i hung about for about 10 seconds....then fcuking did one :laugh: ran out the cinema to the car, foot to the floor and away felt like i was part of the A-Team for a split second :toast: got a text off her "where are you?" then 15 mins later the cinema lad had obviously seen her looking/waiting for me and ratted on me the b*****d :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so i got another angry text....yes i felt like a right cnut but hey you're only young once :boogy:

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Here's a good one ............. a recent one.


This is what I saw at first















Then after about 4 or 5 weeks, I took her away for the weekend to a soul night ................


Came back and was looking through the pics I took and saw this!!!!!!! :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:


The very same woman from the top pics.






She got her cards the very same day :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:




Edited to add, yes I know 2 of the pics are off Adultwork, she was good at phone wanks so I suggested she did it and got paid for it.


I had the same pics and more on my pc but when I saw the last pic, I deleted them all

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i dont get it??? the key is to find a mans weakness,,use that ,you find a mans soft spot ,you will make him a killer. or a suicide.

its not violence whats kills a man ................... sychological war fare is the key..

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Fcuk a duck Strong Stuff is that Jabba the Hut in the last picture?? Surely they're not pictures of the same bird :icon_eek: lovely bunch of coconuts on her an all mate! lol


Exactly mate, honestly the very same girl.


I near spewed when I saw the last pic.


Mental. At least you had your fun and got out while you still had the chance! :bad:


My most recent ex has a Facebook profile picture of her looking half decent...then in her 'tagged' photos she looks like she's been inflated :laugh: i'd post pictures but i'd rather not look at her fat f*****g face, not that i'm bitter or out :whistling:

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So strong stuff sorry but gotta ask you like the school teacher type judging by first picture :whistling: but tell me was it you that took the morning after piccy too :yes: :yes:





:laugh: :laugh: :tongue2:


Oh yes!


Photos now deleted, felt a bit mean .........

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So strong stuff sorry but gotta ask you like the school teacher type judging by first picture :whistling: but tell me was it you that took the morning after piccy too :yes: :yes:





:laugh: :laugh: :tongue2:


Oh yes!


Photos now deleted, felt a bit mean .........



oohh but you had one last wee look before binning it off course :D

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One that stands out for me was from back in the old days when i had my nissan micra...went on a first date blind date thing with a lass, when i got there she was a lot more...gingery...than her pictures had suggested. No offense to Mr Lab-spastic but gingers just don't do it for me, especially the proper pasty freckly ones with a bit of timber...anyway i sat through a film with her and she was suggesting we go for a drink afterwards...."aye no bother"...when the film finished she went to the toilet, i hung about for about 10 seconds....then fcuking did one :laugh: ran out the cinema to the car, foot to the floor and away felt like i was part of the A-Team for a split second :toast: got a text off her "where are you?" then 15 mins later the cinema lad had obviously seen her looking/waiting for me and ratted on me the b*****d :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so i got another angry text....yes i felt like a right cnut but hey you're only young once :boogy:


Similar-ish story, met this bird up town one night, though she was tidy, got her number and after a bit texting got a date to go to the pictures. It was around the time that film "The Ring" was out (I had saw it on a copy) and that's what we went to see, so after 20 minutes or so I had sussed that I wasn't getting my Nat King and in those days I was working on my membership to the golden club so it was all about getting my tally up, so being a cruel cnut I said I was going to toilet and left, met my mates in a club and ended up going home with a munter.


I'm glad I did what I did as two weeks later the crazy bitch from the cinema was trying to cave my skull in with her high heel, seemingly I had embarrassed her?! :laugh:

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