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Great day, Thanks Sean C


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A couple of months back Sean C, had got in touch and asked if I could give him a hand on a bit of land which was "pickled", we arranged it for yesterday and after our conversations with sean telling me " Kev there's hundreds there" I couldn't wait to get going.

With Micky picked up at 7am we were on the run down following the sat nav..... to completely the wrong place :laugh: .... a quick call and spin around and we met the team for the day at around 8 am, there would be 6 of us at it today, Sean, Mark and Sam, me and Mick plus the land owner, Dave, who used to ferret 30 years ago and wanted a day out.... this was to be a day when many hands make light work.....

As soon as we were out of the van the amount of rabbits were obvious, the were sat out along every hedge side..... I think I may have drolled a little :laugh:

Sean,Mark and Sam started netting a small roadside hedge, whilst Dave took Mick and Me to the next hedge he wanted doing, as we turned the corner about 10 rabbits ran in, we ran long nets right aroud the hedge icluding a small hedge that ran off at a right angle, the long nets were stopped off, and r nets were put through the hedge top.

Sean and the lads came over, they had taken a quick 1 out of the first little bank and we were now set to hit the big hedges, in went 8 ferrets and out came 19 rabbits..... they came out nice and steady right through the hedge... it was 10am and this was our biggest bag of the seson so far :toast:

We picked up and moved to the other side of the field and netted the opposite hedge in the same manner this was an L shape and used all our long nets up, the whole lot comletely covered with stop nets and run nets on, in went the ferrets and the fun began again, rabbits were flying out and hitting the nets at full speed, when we reached th top of the hedge the rabbits had bottled up and we had aound 15 out of a small length of probably 30 yrds,

we startedto pick up ferrets and nets starting at the bottom 1 of Mickys Jills had stayed in and we thought dig was on, luckily we had left the nets here to last as she pushed another 3 out into the stops, before popping up.

It was time for a quick coffee and pork pie, an hehalf day count up was 49 in the bag.


The last bit was 2 parrelel hedges accross a lane we ran out longnets, and used th stops from one side of the lane to the other, we tried to work both hedgesbut with the light fading, and time runnng out we decided to concentrateon one side and do it properly.. it was a good ed with rabbits popping out steadiy and quick glut of 5 one aftr the other which had us and Rudi ( seans cracking little border) running around like mad men.


The days total was 64 and I don't think we scratched the surface of this place.......


A massive Thank you to Sean for having us down and to Dave for letting us on ( although he loved his day out), it was good to meet you boys and I look forward to doing it again..... as I said your welcome up onto any of mine for a day out, but none of it holds like that place mate :laugh:

Sean took some great photos of the day, here's a few, I'm looking forward to your slide to music though Sean. :thumbs:











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Cheers lads :thumbs:




He was superb mate, stayed busy all day, he'd never used long nets before but got stuck in with the purse nets and helped gut the rabbits a the end of the day.... he even helped me dig the pit for the guts... I think he really enjoyed it...... I'm sure he slept well last night though :laugh:

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Nice one Kev it was a plessure having you and Mick down, bit disappointed that you never mentioned the fact that Mark had to shoot off early cause his mum rang and told him she had run his bath for him.

Cheers mate speak soon




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Good day had by all Kev. I'm not sure whether my favorite part of the day was watching Sean inhale a scotch egg in one when a rabbit hit a purse net in front of him, or when one rabbit jumped the long net only to knock itself out on the ferret box. In any case cheers to you and Mick for the help.





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Cheers lads for all the replies


Sean, I was waiting for you to come on and let it slip about Marks early exit lol..... It's funny how it coincided perfectly with digging a pit and gutting a load of rabbits lol.....



There's was some good laughs all day, me and mark watched the first rabbit that bolted on the first hedge run right through the long net at about 30mph.... It had found the only hole in the net perfectly rabbit sized lol


I spoke to the lad about the chicken farm today, we'll sort a day out up there, maybe over Christmas if you boys fancy a change of scenery




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