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Good Day out.......

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went out with charlie and john today (Delboy and Rodney)


picked john up ( late :icon_redface: ) and he had brought a nice roe deer for charlie to stuff into my mums Ford KA along with 3 of us, the ferrets, bags, nets and dog, happy days :laugh:


planned on going up to the tops again today, but we decided on going down to a bit of river bank that ran uphill to a lane. with some warrens along the bank and some on the top of the bank near the lane. this was first warren, too much cover for us! :censored:





dog had an alright day, missed a few from her unwillingness to jump wire stick fencing. we spent a while chasing this dutchy marked rabbit around, and dog had hold of it at 1 point, but only a mouthful of fur :icon_redface:






a dig couldnt reach it and was wasting time looking for it when other rabbits were out there to be caught....




moved onto river bank, bolted 5? out of here, dutchy skipped a net and dog caught up with it :whistling: just didnt come back with it :D and dog managed to ram itself right up one of the passages, under the roots it was big open tunnels rather than little rabbit like tunnels, dog had hold of a rabbit up there then chased it right up.... hob wouldn't stick to it after that so left it :cray:



someones off coursing with my 3/3 fen dog...




then decided to go up the tops later on in the day, bit late really but cracked on and powered up this fecker, which wiped me and john out but charlie was mad keen for them coneys at the top




just before the top, massive warrens too big for us to be arsed to do for a few out of each....




the 2 chief coney catchers leaving me in their trail.....




some hard land for rabbits and dog, we even see a rabbit trip itself up when dog was on it :huh: should of had eve on the lead, she put some Rabbs up herself and coursed them round this type of rocky land, i was shitting my kecks after Brimmer's recent situation :laugh:



3 out of this one....




with a dig..




john insisted on putting the dog on a slip then didnt fecking watch for the bolt and was about 5 seconds too late, which is a long time :laugh:

was getting dark but we decided to do these 2 warrens which were just off a footpath. some self appointed southern wildlife crime officer questioned wether we had permission then waked on. he walked back down 5 minuted later and he thought there were cows further up and his bearded collie was scared of them ffs :laugh:






digging in the dark :rolleyes:


ended the day on 13, could of got more but was a few tricky digs wasting out time, and we didnt get onto the proper easy land further up :laugh: dog did alright for me, she needs to stop bothering the dead rabbits when shes bored though :censored: john thought she had a shocker, but what does he expect when he slips it so late :laugh::tongue2: cheers charlie for the great day, caught a few bunnies, had my lunch stolen and my ferrets ripped too shit, cheers! ;):thumbs:



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Mint report, but 'You passed the Duchy at the left hand side!' Probs a bit before your time by 20 yrs! (Google it)

Little dog looks ready for it as ever, unlike yourself after a bit of a walk up a bit of a hill!


Might get the old boy to show you how its done!

Take it you are still getting shit about youre ferrets as well? :blink:


You have rabbits in the bag, you have done a full day, and everyones walking off some rocky hills in one piece! A success in my book PJ.

Thanks for sharing the day, you know you have a memory for the future. :thumbs:

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