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Out with the Weihrauch HW97KT and the Barnett Diablo catapult


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fab vid and shooting as usual by yourself my friend,now please don,t take this in the wrong way but at the start of the vid/dvd you checked your zero with an hedge as a back stop, RULE number 1 never fire into or through any hedgeway no matter calibre rifle/ air rifle/or shotgun as i said please don,t take this the wrong way as i know there are younger members, as well as older who want to learn how to shoot correctly etc. Hey on the good side what i have seen and read on this site about this guy is he is the if not the one of the best if not the best his shooting is awesome many thanks Darren (topshot61)


Your point is taken Darren and I did expect something coming back from someone, that's why i did explain in the clip that it was a Sunday and that i had already seen everywhere was locked up properly and no one was about on my first walk around. (Maybe i should of explained this better and expanded on it more in the clip).


Me and Davy hold a spare key that gets us onto the nursery, without it you cant get into the nursery buddy.


I did know what i was doing and the 4 shots were completely safe or I would not of taken them mate, but like i say your point is taken ;) .


Regarding my shooting, thanks Darren but if you hand around a bit longer in this section you will soon see that there are many many better shooters than me in it. They just choose not to make videos and brag about it.



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Hi there lads,   In this episode of VerminHuntersTV I take my Weihrauch HW97KT out for a morning of proof shooting and testing my new calibration data on my scope caps after weighing, washing and lu

Great video Si. I used to have one of these catapults back in the school days. They were incredibly powerful and I used to get up to all sorts of mischief smashing milk bottles and anything I could ge

Looks a nice beast that Daz.   Something you would use if in a Klingon death match.   Si.

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good shooting si !i have made a lot of cattys i am a shit shot with em though and have gave most to kids this is the last smart one i did out of holme oak bloody hardest wood i have come across the old milbro is a size ref.



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