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Pellet choice for FAC rapid??

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For those that shoot FAC precharged rifles. What's your pellet choice at a specific ft/lb?


Just been having a lake about with AAF and from 14 - 18 ish ft/lb they grouped very well at around 60 yds.

But poked up and above that power they were all over the shop.


What you fellas using.





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What Calibre ?


Pax Developed the 15.00 Grain .177 Defiant for overseas FAC Rated Guns

As many countries are restricted to .177


Was develop around Lionel's FAC Rapids


Pax also have the 18.'s in .22


Both are also marketed as Smoth bore Pellets - By FX


Bullet design will not destort in flight - or Break up under power





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.22 FAC 30FTLB - I personally use AA Feild domed and JSB Domed both 16 grainers (15.89 or what ever) not the jumbos that are 18grain i think.

I tryed 3 different H&N, Bisley magnums and RWS but the above 2 were by far the best !


Ive just washed and lubed a few to too see if that helps anymore !





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I have had a lake with a few types at 60 yds running at 24 ft/lb but the test was a little rushed and the lighting conditions were poor so when I have the opportunity I will test again but this is what I have come across so far. Albeit a little inconclusive.


Bis Mags forget it. No grouping whatsoever out of a dozen shots. Really poor.


HN barracuda power. 21.14 gr copper plated. Good grouping but not as tight as I would have liked and still a couple of strays.


HN rabbit magnum 2. 24.69 gr. small amount of grouping but more strays than I'm happy with. Incredible power as they went straight through 3/4 inch ply.


HN barracuda extreme hunter. Flat and hollow heads. 19.09 gr. reasonable grouping but very little penetration into the timber at this range due to the style of pellet.


I have a few tweaks to make to the rapid which should hopefully improve consistency and I will redo the test at various power levels and distances.


I'm the meantime I will stick to a lower power and range and use the trusty AAF's


Thanks for the replies.



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At 30ft-lbs or above the Defiant Ogive is a goo dpellet,provided it suits your barrel. It is also important to get the right head size,which means more trial. If you try the wrong head size first you will probably give up on them, but if you can match the head size they areexcellent, even at range. I had a Scorpion that would group one ragged hole with them at 50 yards. My SLR shoots them well, so a range of barrels will work - CLEAN barrel a must.

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