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Tame Crow!!??

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So, i had a call from my mum last night saying my dad had found a Black Bird in the park (While walking his dog) that was not well.. i went to visit today and it turns out to be a near full grown Crow! when he found it it didnt try to get away, he picked it up and it was VERY cold, but still he didnt try to get away.. anyway, he took it to his car to warm it up for a while then tried to release it again, he put it down and walked away, only for it to be attacked by 4 other crows! so my dad shoooed them off and took the bird home.. he spent the evening with it huddled up in his arm like a baby! when we went to see him he had it in an open box in his garage, there was a towel and some dog food and water but he's not interested in any of it and still wont try to get away.. My dad was even cuddling it and kissed it on the head!! MY thoughts were, keep away incase it tries to peck at his face & eyes! not to mention any sort of nasties it might carry!


Is this normal for a Crow? to be so tame.. i know it must be pretty poorly but it CAN flap its wings and looks like its healthy.. it may be injured, or sick.. it MUST be right..


Crows are intelligent, do you think it knows he is safe with my dad?


He did ring the RSPCA but they said if he took it to them they would just put it down.. (I offered the same service!) so he wants to keep him and nurse him..

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If he manages to get it feeding it could do well. Had loads over the years as a kid. They make interesting pets as far as birds go.


They also have some power in that beak so I wouldn't be sticking my napper any where near it.


But if its keeping the old boy happy?


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Maybe it,s someone's pet that has got out. I had one years ago picked it up at a bus stop were it was scaring the feck out of the people waiting for the bus,so I stopped and put it in the car and took it home. was very tame . He used to get mobbed by wild crows when it was outside

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